Chapter 30 - The Abandoned House

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TW: Smoking, swearing


Chapter 30

March 14, Sunday

No one's POV

Kathrin sat alone on the roof of the abandoned house, a cigarette hanging from her mouth as she wrote in her little notebook. She always had the notebook around for whenever inspiration struck.

Her short brunette hair, that was growing out in a messy manner, was slightly damp since the swim meet happened earlier that day (yes, she knows having wet hair during winter is not exactly healthy, but Kathrin really doesn't care).

The night was dark, a perfect navy blue with fluffy grey clouds.

Kathrin planned to immediately go home after finishing the competition, but she just couldn't stand being trapped in that dull little treehouse.

Since the beginning of the school year, the girl could feel nothing but just completely... suppressed; so pinned down. Being blamed for breaking someone's heart-- being accused of being a terrible friend, terrible girlfriend-- being told that she's like her dad.

And throughout all of this, she had to silently suffer, listen through all that people had to say about her-- all of the shit, all of the allegations-- and she just needs some space to... breathe.

After a long time of scribbling on the thin piece of paper of ideas that flowed so easily from her head to the tip of her pencil, her hand was so tired that it became sore. She finally stopped writing, taking the cigarette out of her mouth to blow out a puff of smoke.

Kathrin took in the peaceful silence, feeling the midnight air that blew through her wavy hair. The quietude was very well-needed-- everything has been happening for so long and she really needed that peace.

But does she really want it? She missed that adrenaline of sneaking in and out of her house at three or four in the morning, trying not to get caught. She missed messing around with her friends-- the ones she could call family-- and running away from trouble as they laughed until their stomachs hurt.

She missed living her life to the fullest-- living like a real kid-- and just plainly having fun. But now.. all of that was lost, and Kathrin was left with this silence, though only wanting the laughter back again.

"Hey, Kathrin? Is that you?" The familiar voice of Nate called out, the girl glancing over to the blonde boy. "Ey, wassup." She muttered out, her eyes droopy.

"Why're you up there?" He then quizzed, walking closer to the haunted house. "I just hang out around here sometimes, y'know. Wanna join?" The girl responded, leading to the Stone boy to shrug before climbing up the creaking old wood.

"Cigarette?" Kathrin offered, holding one out for him, which led to him nodding before taking it; lighting it up with the lighter in his pocket.

It was silent between them, the pair just looking into the distance as they felt the snow fall onto their hairs and red noses, hearing the chirping black birds as they flew through the dark sky.

And again, just by seeing Nate, all she could think about was his relationship with Maeva. Kathrin wanted to help them, the both of them. She hated seeing them both hurting from this. She always felt this need to.. fix people. Well, not necessarily fix, but something along the lines of it. She didn't like how imperfect the world was, and she hates what it does to people. And she just wants to... help.

And then she suddenly remembered what happened during the new years, how Maeva confirmed that she still loved Nate. She realised then that in those three months, she hasn't actually told Nate about that information.

"Y'know.. Maeva still loves you." The Anderson girl rasped out, Nate glancing over at her in confusion. "At the new years party-- she said so herself."

The insufferable quietude fell upon them again. Kathrin sighed, "You can't give up on her."

Nate let out a deep and sad chuckle, shaking his head, "Why? She's given up on me."

Nate just wanted to let go so fucking bad, well, his mind did. But his heart kept holding on-- holding on so hard-- and Kathrin seemed to be holding on too hard as well.

"No-- it's not like that. She's been betrayed by so many people--" Kathrin started saying, though got cut off. "I didn't betray her." Nate then yelled out. He was done being so misunderstood.

"I know, I know. Which is why you can't give up on her. Not over a misunderstanding." The brunette girl breathed out, turning her head to look at Nate. "Why do you care?" He questioned, letting out an annoyed huff.

"Because I love her. And I hate to admit it to myself, but you've kinda grown on me. I can't keep seeing the two of you suffer over this, knowing that the both of you still want to be with each other." Kathrin explained, looking down at her lap.

Nate sighed again, "Why do you believe me?"

"Because I know you. You can be arrogant-- and rude. And most of the time, really dumb; not just with school stuff, but with your own life. But I know one thing, if it comes down to your loved ones, you will do absolutely nothing that brings them harm." The brunette girl expounded.

As much as Nate didn't want to admit it, the fact that he did actually have a heart, the truth was the truth.

He loves Maeva, and he doesn't think he'd ever stop. This love, it's like fairytale love-- the ones people believe that can only soar in stories and fantasies.

If he was holding a gun, forced to shoot Maeva, he would rather use all of the bullets on his own body than have a single one go her way.

He wanted to spend the rest of his days with her-- share his last laughs with her, speak his last words to her. His heart aches when she's in pain, his eyes water when she cries. He feels agony when she's down, he smiles when she's at bliss.

Nate never thought that he would be able to find someone like her, someone that he trusts enough to hold a knife to his throat but somehow still knows she would never cut down.

Having her give up on him so easily broke his heart-- but he doesn't care what it takes, how much it hurts, he will get her back; the love of his life.


1077 words (edited)

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