Chapter 22 - Leonard and Arthur's Birthday Pt. 1

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A/n: The character I based Leonard on planned these chapters, so excuse it if it seems weird. enjoyy!!


TW: Swearing


Chapter 22

December 24, Thursday

No one's POV

Arthur and Leonard were at Leonard's house; or so Leonard calls it, the Lee Residence. It was their birthday (they share the same birthday), but neither of them really have friends to celebrate with.

Both of their parents were busy during the day, and decided that they would celebrate their birthdays at night-- so instead of trying to find something to do, they thought it was much better to sit gloomily on the couch and stare at the blank wall (Leonard doesn't have a TV).

Lauren walked out of her room, still wearing her pyjamas, her eyes on her phone. After lifting her head up, she saw the two boys, a look of confusion on her face. She then glanced over to the clock, which read 8:23, then looked back at them.

"How long have you been up-- y'know it's a holiday?" The brunette girl asked. "You are aware that today is December 24th?" Leonard then calmly retorted, Lauren's eyes widening from realisation.

"Happy birthday, kiddo." She exclaimed in a makeshift cheery voice, ruffling the boy's hair. "I have this--" She started saying again, pulling something out of her pockets, "An empty packet of gum. Hope you like it."

Leonard only stared at his older sister, saying, "I was hoping for a giraffe." which led to the girl leaving, going to the kitchen.

"Why a giraffe?" Arthur quizzed, Leonard turning his head to be looking at his friend. "I was recently fascinated by their long vocal cord and their inability to produce sound, and thus I was hoping for the chance to dissect one." The blue eyed boy explained.

"That's it, I'm calling Kathrin." Arthur stated after a while more of silence, pulling his phone out from his pocket. "For what reason?" Leonard asked. "Well what would you rather do? Sit here and stare at a blank wall or actually doing something?" The redhead asked rhetorically.

"Well, I am actually quite enjoying the process of gazing at the wall. And in addition to that, I am in fact not doing nothing, as my mind is currently thinking of multiple different things,"He replied.

There was a moment of silence with Arthur just death-staring his friend, saying, "Well I'm still gonna call her."

Time skip

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" Kathrin practically yelled out, jokingly waving her arms around as if she was mad. Leonard dramatically turned his head to the side, fluttering his eyes shut as a look of distress masked his face.

"It was my fifth birthday..." The dark haired boy started saying dramatically, an annoyed look painted over Arthur's face while he rolled his light blue eyes. "My older sister, Lauren, falsely claimed that Professor Dumbledore was going to come to my party,"

He reopened his eyes, holding onto his own hand. "He, most disappointingly, was absent-- thus I despise birthdays now." The Lee boy finished saying. Kathrin gave him a pretend look of pity, rubbing his shoulder slightly.

"I feel... deeply sorry for you." The brunette girl jokingsly stated. "He's told me this story every year. It's basically a tradition now." The redhead whispered to the girl. Kathrin nodded, turning her head to look at Leonard again.

"Well-- what do you want to do?" The Anderson girl asked. Leonard took a moment to think about it before saying, "I would like to go hiking."

Time skip

"Y'know--" Kathrin started saying, trying to catch up to Leonard as they climbed up a hill, "I did-- not take you-- as the type of guy-- to like to go hiking." The girl sighed out, panting in between words.

"Well, I do enjoy hiking. It in fact reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, which improves the health of your arteries and reduces your arterial pressure." Leonard explained.

"I-- don't know what half of those words mean." Kathrin muttered under her breath, stopping in her tracks to wait for Arthur; who was quite far behind from the pair.

"What does he have in his bag?" She whispered to the redhead. "Don't ask-- I can't listen to another long explanation with gibberish words that I don't understand." Arthur breathed out, holding onto a tree while trying to catch his breath.

After walking for a while more, Kathrin decided to speak up again, asking, "Oh yea, what do you people want for your birthday? As a gift." Arthur took some time to think about it, responding with, "Nike shoes. Size 13."

"Got it." The brunette girl snapped, giving him a thumbs up. "What about you?" She then quizzed, pointing over to the dark haired boy. "I would like a twenty thousand watt laser for that experiment I explained the last time we got together." He requested.

Kathrin stared at him blankly, then saying, "How 'bout I get you that kid's kit 'twenty science things to do when you're bored'?" Leonard stopped walking, turning to look at her.

"It's actually 'twenty-five fun science experiments for kids to do when you're bored.' Get it right before you offer." He corrected, emphasising the words Kathrin got wrong, which the girl rolled her eyes at again. It's just so hard not to roll your eyes at Leonard sometimes.

Kathrin then just simply glared at him. "Getting you a science kit, got it." The brunette girl the declared, walking out in front of Leonard.

"I never said--" The Lee boy began saying, though Kathrin cut him off.

"You are getting a science kit."


915 words (edited)

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