Chapter 17 - Sienna's Birthday

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Chapter 17

November 29, Sunday

Sienna's POV

It's around one in the morning.

It was my birthday yesterday. I turned eighteen-- officially an adult.

I know I should be happy about that, but life just doesn't seem too enjoyable right now.

I recently started going to the guidance counsellor-- Ms. Kate-- with this stuff, which seemed to have helped me with sorting my feelings out just a bit. But it still didn't solve the big problem.

Going to the counsellor also allowed me to find out that Kathrin only ever went to Ms. Kate for a good week, and had been lying about going every other time she didn't join us for lunch. And of course, the school didn't care enough to force her to go.

Another reason as to why life was sucking right then: my ex-best friend doesn't feel guilty lying to me.

My parents weren't home since we were doing the usual 'actual birthday with friends, after-birthday with family'. Again, they chose to have date night, and decided to spend the night at a hotel nearby.

Everyone had already left, only Maeva being the one around. She didn't want to leave me alone in distressing times like these, so decided to help with the cleaning up.

And as I was tidying up one of the small shelves, I ended up finding a framed photo of Maeva, Kathrin and I; our arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. We looked about seven or eight.

We all had wide grins on our faces-- blank spaces where our baby-teeth used to be. There was wet sand on our little clothes as you could see the waves of the sea in the background.

I could almost hear the seagulls squealing from the sky, the water crashing onto the sandy shore. It was as if I could still feel the sand on my bare feet, the wind blowing through our messy hairs while laughter emerged from our throats.

I picked up the photo, again feeling tears well up in my eyes. That's all I feel like doing in times like this-- cry and sob until I am heaving for air.

I sat down on the bottom stair, holding the photo close to my chest as I practically hugged myself; feeling the droplets of water roll down my tan cheeks while I fluttered my bronzed brown eyes shut.

I could hear Maeva's footsteps as she walked by. I quickly wiped my tears away with the back of my hand, setting the picture down next to me on my right as I wrapped my arms around my knees.

"How's she doing? Kathrin." Maeva asked, coming to sit down next to me on my left. I sighed, my breath shaky, before I quietly said, "Can we please not talk about her?"

I saw Maeva nod through the corner of my eye, though everything was still blurry from the remaining tears that hadn't dried yet.

There was a moment of empty quietude between us before I spoke up again, asking, "How are you holding up?" The curly haired brunette shrugged, nodding ever so slightly, muttering out a quiet and wispy, "Better."

And even if her face was still and straight, I could see the secret that hid behind her chocolate brown eyes. There was a heavy rain-- her unbearable sadness-- that was desperately waiting to end so the rainbow could come out-- but it just kept raining and raining; and if it didn't stop soon, it'll overflow again.

I immediately put my left arm around her shoulders, letting her head rest on my lap while my right hand fidgeted with my short pink dress.

Maeva let out a shaky breath. "I-- I thought I was over him, I really thought I was. I thought it was going to be easier now, but it just turns out I was... distracted. Every time someone says his name, o-- or every time I see his face, all of the feelings just rush back. My distraction is gone, and the feelings that I've never fully got over are back." The Renolds girl explained, biting onto her now quivering bottom lip.

And like I said, the flood of rain overflowed, silently rolling down her cheeks. I could hear her let out a quiet sob, leading to me holding onto her tighter. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay." I murmured out, softly playing with her hair in an attempt to soothe her.

"An-- and every time he asks me for his forgiveness, I always want to give in, give him another chance. But then I think about how much it hurt when I saw that photo of him kissing that girl. I can't-- I can't risk that again. I don't want to feel that again." Maeva cried out, her tears dripping onto my dress.

"A-- and then there's that thing I found out. I c-- can't give out an-- another second chance; i-- it just hu-- hurts... too much." She then whimpered, nervously playing with her own fingers.

The curly haired brunette broke into a fit of sobs, which led to me rubbing her shoulders tenderly and whispering more comforting words so that it would calm her. Her sobs eventually stopped as the crying slowed as well.

Maeva let out another shaky breath, continuing to talk. "I even tried getting interested in Joshua-- y'know, the guy I told you about?" She looked up at me, while I nodded in response.

"I would imagine how it would be like dating him. I have hung out with him a lot, b-- but it's just not the same. I don't feel the same. Not like I do with Nate. Sure, I might feel happy around him, and sometimes even.. comfortable-- but never like the warmth I felt with Nate; never." Maeva finished saying.

The girl lifted her head from my lap while I cupped her tanned and wet face with my small hands. I wiped her tear-stained cheeks with my two thumbs, looking at her with wide and hopeful eyes.

"You.. deserve so-- so-- much, Maeva. You have such a kind heart, and you didn't deserve all of this pain. Whoever the right guy is-- whether it's back to Nate, or this Joshua guy, or someone else-- I will always be by your side, supporting you; no matter who might get in the way. It'll all be okay." I stated in a reassuring manner-- because sometimes that's all you need, some guidance.

I hugged Maeva's head close to my chest, feeling her smile against my skin. "Thank you," She muttered out, "Thank you for always being here."

I felt myself smile too, "You're welcome."


1102 words (edited)

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