Chapter 34 - Maeva's Birthday Pt. 4

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TW: Swearing, fighting, blood


Chapter 34

May 14, Friday

Sienna's POV

I strided through the streets of this neighbourhood, speeding over to the bus station. It's Maeva's birthday today, and I really wanted to celebrate with her, but I was just so busy this whole day.

And even though it's late, I still wanted to do something, which is why I baked a cake. Usually Kathrin drived us around, but that wasn't really an option right then, so I would be going by bus.

I pulled out my phone to text Maeva, though that was when someone harshly bumped into me. I looked up, my eyes landing on the all too familiar Kathrin.

Kathrin's POV

It was awkwardly quiet between her and I; it's been half a year since I've talked to either her or Maeva. I still remember what I said that last time I spoke to her: "Fine. Fuck this, fuck our friendship. I'm done trying."

But was I really done? Because it seems I've just been using Nate this whole time rather than actually doing it myself. Well aren't I fucking shitty.

But I guess knowing that it's Maeva's birthday, I somehow plucked up whatever bit of courage I had left to get back whatever's left of the friendship we had, even if there might've been none.

Sienna's POV

"Hi--" She started saying, though I quickly cut her off. "What do you want?" I snapped, glaring straight through her skull. "Can you just see reason? Please? It's been.. so long since all of it happened, and I really, really, miss the both of you. Can't you just please leave the past in the past."

Again, I felt the ugly feeling we all know as anger bubbling inside of me. "No. I've said it before, and I will keep saying it. Absolutely not. I'm not going to side with such a traitor." I spat out, fidgeting with the box I was holding.

"For fucks sake, Sienna. I would've never completely abandoned either one of you just because of such a small opinion, like the both of you did to me. I'm sorry for hurting Maeva, and I'm sorry for hurting you-- I know I was shitty for that, and it really wasn't my intention-- but a real friend wouldn't have given up that easily. Could I please just spend today, Maeva's birthday,  with the two of you without having to argue over something that happened almost a year ago?" Kathrin yelled out.

I could feel my shoulders tense up. I felt this hint of guilt running through me. I never realised that I just completely abandoned her, so soon after her breakup too. Maeva had good reason to, I mean she was hurting as well. But I-- I just followed alongside Maeva without thinking about how Kathrin was feeling.

"I-- I was just trying to be reasonable," The girl continued saying, quieter this time. "I didn't want Nate to suffer alone over something that he probably didn't do. I didn't want him to suffer alone with that... blame. He needed someone to understand him, and I just happened to be there."

And once again, I was stuck in this dilemma on whether to give up on this grudge I've been holding for so long over something that-- I've just realised was so stupid, or... continue it.

Though I don't think I could just go back to being normal around her after everything. I can't just pretend that the past year did happen. And that just reminds me of all the pain we've all felt. And I don't know if it's possible for this friendship to... continue anymore.

"I get that, but that does not change the actions you've done. Plus, we've all moved on, I've moved on. I've got a new group of friends, and Maeva's also got new friends, and this new guy, Joshua-- who actually treats her well--"

Before I could finish speaking, Kathrin cut me off. "Joshua? Like Joshua Johnson? Leonard's sister's friend?" The girl quizzed. "Yea, why?" I then retorted.

"He's a fucking player! He'll break Maeva's heart so much more than Nate ever could've." The brunette shouted again, though before another argument could start, I started hearing sounds of hitting in the distance; and from the look on Kathrin's face, I could tell she heard it too.

The both of us immediately ran over to where we heard the noises from, eventually arriving at Nate's house. I widened my eyes in horror after seeing the horrid scene in front of me. A slightly familiar boy with curly hair beating Kyle to a pulp.

Nate was on top of the boy with curly hair, as if trying to get him off, though ultimately getting pushed away onto the ground again, holding his head in pain after it was hit from the fall.

I couldn't help but let out a blood-curdling scream, dropping the box of cake onto the floor. Kathrin quickly sped over to them, kicking the guy in the stomach before aggressively pulling him off of Kyle, who now laid mostly unconscious; slowly blinking as blood dripped off of his face.

After three hard punches in the face, the guy finally passed out. Silence fell upon us, the two boys panting heavily while Kathrin sat down on the grass. Though the one who broke the quietude was Nate, saying, "He's an actual fucking psycho."


892 words (edited)

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