Chapter 19 - Talent Show Pt. 2

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TW: Swearing


Chapter 19

December 2, Wednesday

Arthur's POV

My fingertips skimmed over the prickly green grass that barely peeked through the thick layer of white fluffy snow. I looked around to see the tall and knobbly trees as each and one of them faded into the dark foggy distance the further they were; the only source of light being the gleaming brightness of the bask sun seeping through the fragrant leaves while it slowly set behind a blurry scenic mountain.

I kneeled there, fluttering my eyes shut as I took in the fresh nature scent. My life at home was great-- big house, kind-hearted family-- but sometimes I would rather be just on my own in the middle of the still and silent woods; because that's when I'm at peace.

In the distance, I could hear a snap of a tree branch, which led to me reopening my eyes to see a bleary silhouette of a stubby guy, holding onto a bag and a notebook as he clumsily walked closer to me.

I stood from where I kneeled, eventually figuring out that it was Leonard coming over to me. "Hey Leonard, what're you doing out here? Isn't it a little too cold?" I asked, holding onto him before he fell from the slippery snow.

"Indeed, it is fairly cold-- nonetheless, I put it into careful consideration and believed that it would be rather fascinating to inspect the snow in this area, seeing as I haven't ever been here in the past, thus why I am currently outside." Leonard explained (could've just said 'yea, it's cold, but I wanted to see the snow' or some shit, but no, gotta sound smart).

And for a while, we just hung out.

People never understood how I could stand hanging out with Leonard for so long. And to be honest, I don't know how I manage to do it either. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can't even graduate with the grades I have-- how do I stay listening to Leonard talk about nerd-shit for hours?

Most of the time, his words are just a blurred mumble to my ears as it goes straight past my mind, because looking at him is just so... mesmerising. His crystal blue eyes that shone brighter than all of the stars in the sky, his skin pale with the color of rose spread across his cheeks and on the tip of his nose.

Sometimes I just want to come clean about all of this-- how I feel, how he makes me feel. But then I remember how he is, what he's like-- smart and feelingless Leonard who doesn't fall in love.

And knowing that really kills me inside-- because falling in love with someone, sure that they would never choose you, it just fills you with so much doubt and insecurity. You'll keep asking yourself 'how can I be better?', 'how should I change?'.

It would slowly eat you up until you finally find some sort of validation-- but in my case, I will probably never get it.

After I got snapped out of my trance of just constantly staring at the dark haired boy, I realised that he was silent.

And to break that quietude, I asked the first thing that came to my mind, "You wanna do something for the talent show?"

Leonard then started looking at me as if I've grown another head. "Do I seem like the type of person to sing and dance?" The Lee boy quizzed, me chuckling slightly at his reaction.

I shrugged, then saying, "Well, we don't have to sing and dance." Leonard shook his head slightly. "Does it ever occur to you that there is practically nothing else you would be able to do in a talent show?"

I sighed, seeing the slightly shorter boy smile up at me. To anyone else, it was probably just a normal smile, but-- I don't know-- I didn't want to look at anybody else but him.

And it just leaves me daydreaming about what he and I could be if I ever told him about how I felt, and of him accepting it.

I know it does nothing but bring my hopes up, then get them crushed when reality hits... just simply hurt me. But then again, I guess that's just what love does to you.


718 words (edited)

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