Chapter 33 - Maeva's Birthday Pt. 3

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TW: Swearing, fighting, mentions of blood


Chapter 33

May 14, Friday

Maeva's POV

My door slowly creaked open, though I didn't even bother to look up. I held onto my tear-stained face, trying to hold back the string of sobs that just kept coming out.

Finally, I could see a glimpse of a boy with curly brown hair through the cracks of my fingers. He quickly kneeled down in front of me, putting a hand around my shoulders to pull me closer to him; though I hid behind my hands since I didn't want him to see me in such a state.

"Hey-- what happened? What's wrong?" Josh asked, pulling my hands away from my face. Though I didn't say anything. I just kept sobbing, barely able to breathe.

"It's okay, you can tell me. What's wrong, Maeva?" Josh questioned again, his voice unusually soft. He gripped onto my wrists, slowly removing them from my face so he could look me in my eyes.

Again, I tried to reply, but I couldn't seem to form a single word. The moment I opened my mouth, I felt I was only able to let out a whimper and cry, unable to even say a sentence.

But that was when Josh did the last thing I expected him to do. He set his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

In any other time, I would've kissed back, and definitely would've enjoyed it. But now-- now I'm just disgusted. I just wanted to be alone, and cry without someone watching me.

Which is when I realised maybe... I didn't like Josh like that. Maybe I just liked the attention-- someone to care for me after a traumatic event. It just brings me back to that thought of how I was.. obsessed with him-- how he said my name, how he complimented me, how he looked at me; the craving for his focus to be on me and only me.

But I only wanted him to notice me, nothing more, and I've finally realised that.

I pushed the curly haired boy away, scanning his confused face with my wide teary eyes. "I-- I'm sorry. I can't-- I can't do this." I murmured, hugging my knees close to my chest as I hoped I would just disappear from the world at that moment.

"Wha-- why not?" Josh stammered. I furrowed my eyebrows in discomfort, subconsciously moving away from the Johnson boy, whispering, "I just... can't."

Josh stood up again from where he kneeled, this look of anger painted on his face. "It's that Nate guy, isn't it?" He hastily spat out, me leaning my head up slightly to look at him. I immediately shook my head after his statement. "No-- no it's not." I tried defending.

"Fucking hell." He then muttered under his breath before rushing out of my dorm room.

Time skip

No one's POV

Almost in an instant, Josh arrived at the Stone household. He aggressively and repeatedly pressed on the doorbell, leading to Nate's brother opening the door. "Do I know you?" Kyle quizzed.

Though instead of replying, Josh just asked, "Nate here?" trying to sound as calm as possible, though he could still feel his blood boiling under his skin. Kyle nodded, about to call his brother downstairs, though before that could even happen, Josh pushed the boy out of the way and bursted into the house.

The blonde boy, strolling down the stairs while eating chips, immediately stopped in his steps after widening his eyes at the sight of Josh. "What the fuck-- how do you know I live here?" Nate yelled out, his mouth full with food.

Though Josh didn't respond, he just mindlessly glared at the blonde boy. "You're not fucking stalking me, are you?" Nate then joked, but the smile immediately fell off of his face when the Johnson boy started charging at him.

Nate quickly ran out of the house from the back door, dropping his bag of chips to the floor while Josh chased after him. Though the blonde boy couldn't get far before Josh completely tackled him onto the grass.

Nate tried to wriggle away from under the curly haired boy, but ended up just getting pinned down before being punched repeatedly. But before long, Kyle ran out of the house, his eyes wide with horror at the scene happening in front of him.

He immediately jumped onto Josh, holding him against the ground by his wrists so that he was no longer on top of Nate. Josh struggled against Kyle's grip, trying to get away from under there. It was almost as if a switch was flipped in his mind that turned him into this raging lunatic.

Nate sat up from where he laid, wiping a trickle of blood off of his lip. "What the fuck." The Stone boy practically yelled out, "You're actually a fucking psycho."

Though, after noticing that Kyle was distracted, Josh threw the older Stone boy onto the ground as hectic things were bound to happen.


832 words (edited)

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