Chapter 11 - Obsession Pt. 2

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A/n: I have mentioned this before, and I'm just going to say it again, I have absolutely not hate towards rich people, anything that seems like discrimination are all jokes. Anyways, ENJOYY!!


TW: Swearing


Chapter 11

October 7, Wednesday

Nathaniel's POV

I sat in the passenger seat of Jeremy's fancy roof-less car (rich-ass bitch) since my brother had to take the car for today. After a small while of driving, Jeremy finally arrived at the school. "Thanks for the ride, dickhead." I blurted out, going to open the door, but then I felt a tug on my arm.

I turned back, asking, "What?" before Jeremy sighed and quizzed, "Do you even know what room she is in?"

I rolled my eyes at his interrogation (he gave me one on the way here too), me sitting back down on my seat. "Yea, Anderson's new friend, Leonard, has an older sister Lauren who shares a room with Maeva." I sighed out, clutching onto the little cardboard sign I made.

Jeremy glanced down to it, and then shifted his eyes back up to me. "And are you really going to hold up a sign that says 'I'm just a starless sky without you'?" The curly haired boy asked in a mocking voice.

"Yea, Kathrin said be creative." I exasperated, sighing once again. "Ok, you sappy piece of shit, did you even come up with that?" Jeremy joked, chuckling a bit.

"Uhm-- yea, is that all?" I questioned sarcastically, now Jeremy rolling his eyes. "Yea, yea, sorry, just don't want you to completely embarrass yourself."

"I'm not going to completely embarrass myself; now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go win my girlfriend back. Bye Jer." I explained, hurriedly getting out of the car before I could get second thoughts. Jeremy drove away, leading to me going into the school.

I eventually found her dorm room, knocking on the door.

"It's open." I heard her familiar, soft voice say. Oh how much I've missed her voice.

I twisted the handle, opening the door. And there she was, Maeva--

With another guy beside her.

Maeva's POV

I had just an amazing time with Josh, I couldn't even explain how happy I was. Yea, maybe he is a player, but how can someone fake this sort of kindness and care? Was I really just being manipulated? Or was this genuine?

We eventually went back to my dorm, the both of us sitting on my bed.

"You wrote that?" The curly haired boy asked, pointing at the short story I've been writing. In my free time I write these one shots-- I never really showed anyone other than Sienna and... Kathrin-- but I just felt so.. comfortable around him.

"Yea, I did. It's something I like to do in my free time." I answered. "It's really good." He then responded, and I could feel myself giggling ever so slightly.

Then, there was a knock on the door. I just assumed it was Lauren, coming in to check up on me. Being my, and I quote from her: 'guardian angel', she would need to regularly see if I'm still alive and breathing.

"It's open." I called out, the door opening. But instead of the brunette girl walking in, I saw the all too familiar blonde boy with sea blue eyes step into the room, holding a makeshift sign made with cardboard.

I immediately sped out of the bed. I knew there was nothing to hide, because Nate and I were no longer together-- but for some reason, it still felt weird being so close with another guy and having Nate see it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my eyes wide. Then from behind me, I could feel a hand going on my left shoulder-- Josh's hand.

"I-- I--" Nate stammered, shifting his gaze to the hand on my shoulder, Josh, then back to me. I could see the look of hurt mask his face, though it immediately washed away. "I need to talk to you." He eventually muttered out, clutching tighter onto his cardboard sign, eventually holding it behind him-- blocking it.

I rolled my eyes, taking Josh's hand off of my shoulder, walking closer to the blonde boy. "Nate-- we've been over this." I sighed out, rubbing my forehead.

"But-- but this time is different." He quickly blurted out, taking a massive step forward so that we were barely a few inches apart.

And there was that feeling again-- the one I've always felt around Nate, even back when we were 'enemies'. That comfortable feeling of always wanting to be around him, for him to hold me, to tell me he loved me in all kinds of ways.

But I've moved on-- it was too late for that.

Though I thought the least I could do right then was let him say what he had to say. I mean, I've moved on, what he has to say wouldn't hurt me like it would've a few months ago.

"I'll go." Josh muttered out, leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

"Who's that?" was the first thing Nate asked. I felt the urge to roll my eyes, but I managed to control it. "Not that it's any of your business, but Josh is a new friend. Either way, what have you got there?" I replied, changing the topic as I pointed at the cardboard sign.

"It-- it's nothing." Nate stuttered out, refusing to show me. "C'mon," I urged, smiling up at him, taking the sign and unfolding it.

I scanned my eyes across it, then allowed my eyes to land on him again. I saw his crimson cheeks that contrasted his somewhat pale face, his blonde hair-- the color of sand, his blue eyes that seemed deeper than the ocean.

"I know you don't believe me, and I still don't have any proof-- but I swear to you, I didn't kiss that girl. The only girl I want to kiss-- the only girl I need to kiss.. is you.

"I- I care about you, and I really really love you. So please, if you can find some part of you that is willing to forgive me... please. I need you.

"I mean, isn't that what love is? Trusting blindly? And I trust you-- no matter what. Do you-- do you trust me too?" Nate ranted, and for the first time in a while, I didn't feel like crying the moment he started talking.

I could feel a slight smile grow on my face-- but not one of assurance... but an apologetic one.

"I-- I did, but not after this. I told you before, and I will keep telling you-- I can't, I can't risk it. I can't trust you after what happened. I'm sorry, but I've moved on-- and you have to too."


1098 words (edited)

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