Chapter 20 - Talent Show Pt. 3

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Italics is singing


Chapter 20

December 4, Friday

Leonard's POV

I settled down on one of the seats in the school's auditorium. Today was the Senior Year Talent Show, and I was unquestionably dreading it. To put it simply, why would I want to listen to a swarm of low-level imbeciles show their so-called 'talent' to masses of people? Quite embarrassing, I must admit.

Kathrin soon walked by, sitting down alongside me, followed by who I recently found out to be Jeremy. "Where's Arthur?" Kathrin questioned, to which I responded with, "I'm not aware of where he is, thus why he isn't here currently."

The Anderson girl then rolled her eyes at me. I never understood why people seemed to want to do that whenever I speak, but that's to be figured out in another time.

"Shh, it's starting." Jeremy whispered, the room then darkening as the principal, Mrs. Brown, walked out; the spotlight proceeded to go onto her.

"Hello students of Michigan Academy, and welcome to the Senior Year Talent Show!" Mrs Brown began saying, the whole room bursting into claps. The principle then continued with the introductions.

Eventually, she finished it, therefore striding off of the stage as the two MC's walked on. "Hi, I'm Vivian," The one with straight blonde hair stated, "And I'm Heather," The one with wavy brunette hair then declared. "And we'll be your MC's tonight." They finished off in unison.

"First, let's welcome Arthur Chase to sing 'Bernadette's Song'." Vivian explained, the crowd beginning to clap again as they walked off of the stage, while Arthur walked on; holding onto a guitar (the first lesson he ever took was on 2013, Saturday, February 7th, 11:07-- he slept in that day and refused to get out of bed, hence why he was seven minutes late).

There was a few seconds of silence (twelve seconds to be exact) before Arthur started singing while he strummed his guitar.

"If I didn't have you, life would be blue. I'd be Dr. Who without the TARDIS, a candle without a wick, a Watson without a Crick. I'd be one of my outfits without a dick-ie."

And during that whole time, he just kept looking at me.

I am not the best at understanding or interpreting emotions, but I have just been getting these signs that Arthur... feels differently with me than as he would with another friend.

"If I didn't have you, life would be dreary. I'd be string theory without any string, I'd be binary code without a one, a cathode ray tube without an electron gun, I'd be Firefly, Buffy and Avengers without Joss Whedon."

For example, how he was singing a song from my favourite show (Big Bang Theory, season seven, episode six, 14:07: The Romance Resonance) while constantly staring at me. And another example, how he held onto my arm the Wednesday two days before today, 19:58, so that I wouldn't slip from the snow that was beneath us.

"Ever since I met you, you turned my world around; you're my best friend and my lover. We're like changing electric and magnetic fields, you can't have one without the other. I couldn't have imagined how good my life would get from the moment that I met you, Bernadette."

I could have been mistaken, but when adding up all of these 'signs', it just seemed like he's been signaling something to me. And it just.. feels like he was singing this song towards me-- as if he wanted to say my name instead of 'Bernadette'; as if he was trying to confess something.

Time skip

Maeva's POV

Sienna and I were hanging out the other day, and she brought up that there was a talent show coming up. She wanted to cheer me up, which was why I agreed to go. I only had classes in the morning today, so it gave me time to come here.

A few people already performed, and it had been around half an hour already. The MC's, which were the stuck up popular girls, Vivian and Heather (Jessica left after Nate cheated on her because it was apparently too emotionally traumatising, even though she was the one to cheat first and they had literally no emotional connection).

"Now let's welcome Nathaniel Stone to sing 'Until I Found You'." The brunette said, the blonde boy walking onto the stage, holding onto a microphone before starting to sing, his sea blue eyes landing onto me.

"Georgia, wrap me up in all your-- I want ya in my arms, oh, let me hold ya. I'll never let you go again like I did. Oh, I used to say,"

And the rain overflowed again as it started flowing down my cheeks.

Why does he do this to me? Why does he continue to torture me like this?

I just want what we used to have back. Our love, our joy, our never-ending laughter. But it wouldn't be the same-- not with what happened, not with all of the pain I felt. I couldn't. I coudn't go back now.

"I would never fall in love again until I found her. I said, 'I would never fall unless it's you I fall into.' I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her... I found you."

And again, I could feel the familiar crippling agony creep up on my heart. I hastily stood from my seat, rushing out of the auditorium. And right before leaving, I could see a flash of Nate's sad eyes-- staring straight at me.

After stopping at the empty hallway, I held onto my mouth to hold back a sob. I saw Sienna run over to me, a look of worry evident on her face. "I'm so sorry, Maeva-- I didn't know he was going to perform. I really did want to cheer you up." The girl hurriedly explained as I shook my head in response.

"I know, I know-- you wouldn't purposely do something like that. I just-- I really want to be alone right now." I stated, trying to hide the cracks in my voice. Sienna stood still, uttering a quiet, "Are you sure?" to which I nodded in response to, leading to the dark haired girl leaving.

As soon as I was left on my own, I broke into tears, struggling to breathe from what seemed to be a never-ending string of sobs that escaped my chapped lips.

Even after months of falling out of love, I seemed to have gotten caught in his trap once again. Why can't I just move on? Why can't he just move on?


1097 words (edited)

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