Chapter 41 - Apologise Pt. 2

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Chapter 41

June 12, Saturday

No one's POV

It's all over. It was all over. Maeva knows now that Nate was innocent. But I guess the whole friendship fallout wasn't completely dealt with.

Kathrin was at the abandoned house. She hasn't exactly talked things through with Maeva, but the hug they shared seemed to have explained everything it needed to.

Maeva was the mature one of them. It wasn't ideal having one of her best friends leave her while she was at such a terrible state in her life, but Maeva did realise that they never exactly gave Kathrin a second chance, or allowed her to apologise. It just happened so fast, and they just banished Kathrin from being friends with them after she shared her opinion.

Maeva seems to have understood that after getting a clear head, able to reflect about the past year, be able to think things through. And she was able to find it in herself to forgive Kathrin.

But it was different for Sienna. This whole situation started with Maeva and Nate, and honestly, Sienna and Kathrin shouldn't have been involved in any way. Sienna was fully aware of what she had been doing throughout the entire year, blindly following the lead of her best friend because the girl knew Maeva was hurting, and it was the only decent thing she was able to do. She never thought through her actions. But you can't hate her for it, she was only trying to be a good friend, anyone would've done the same as her.

But now that it was all over, Sienna didn't know what to think of Kathrin anymore. The friend that didn't care enough to stay? Or the enemy that fought so hard to just be a friend again?

But all Sienna did know about the whole situation was that she felt terrible. Terrible for what exactly? She doesn't know. But she knew that she had unresolved issues with Kathrin, and that the only way to resolve it is by actually talking to her; clear the air.

"Hi." Sienna quietly called out, looking up at Kathrin, who just laid on the roof silently as she enjoyed that subtle warmth of the day. Her eyes fluttered open, her head slowly turning as she caught Sienna stood below her, head leaned up to look at the brunette girl.

Kathrin sat up, saying a raspy, "Hey."

It was suddenly awkward. Sienna was fidgety, playing with her skirt. "Could I maybe.. join you up there?" The dark haired girl softly spoke, and Kathrin only nodded slowly.

Sienna's POV

It's been so long since Kathrin and I spoke without it being an argument or a yelling fest. And at this point, I didn't even know how to talk to her anymore. I guess I couldn't exactly be mad at her now, but I don't know how to have us be good.

Kathrin laid down, her legs crossed as her hands rested on her stomach. I had my knees hugged close to my chest, my arms wrapped around them.

It was awfully silent between us, and I honestly didn't know what to talk about. What are you supposed to say to your once best friend that you spent the past year hating after finding out it was over a stupid little grudge?

"Y'know, I am sorry for leaving both you and Maeva alone. Even if Nate didn't do anything, it still wasn't right of me. It's better if I've stayed with you two." Kathrin finally muttered, playing with the hem of her baggy shirt, "Facts sometimes just don't matter as much when it comes down to family."

I looked down at my feet, chewing onto the inside of my cheek before speaking up, "And I guess I'm sorry too, for not giving you a second chance. That was wrong of me."

Again, it was quiet. I couldn't help feeling guilty for everything that has happened. I guess I've sort of got myself involved more than I should've, and caused more problems. I hate that I ruined a lifelong friendship over just some boy.

"You don't have to apologise," Kathrin murmured, "You were just being a good friend and defending Maeva. I just wish the past year wasn't wasted, and that I never said what I said."

I felt myself get teary-eyed. I regret not forgiving this girl-- that could've passed for my sister-- soon enough, and I wanted nothing more than to have my best friend back. I guess rash decisions with no thought or consideration behind it really doesn't bring you anywhere good.

"C-- could we just be friends again, Kathy? You were the-- uhm-- you were the first friend I've ever had, I don't want to lose you. Please don't let me lose you." I quietly cried out, biting back a string of sobs.

I rested my forehead on my knees while the tears rolled from my face to my legs. I heard shuffling beside me as I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I still remember the first day she and I met. It's a foggy memory, but it's impossible to forget it. It's almost like it was tattooed inside of my brain.

We were doing finger painting in both of our first years in Michigan Academy at the age of three. We had to choose an animal and try to paint it. Kathrin and I were the only ones to pick to paint the spider, because we both really loved spiders for whatever stupid reason.

I started calling her Kathy, and she never told me to stop. Only I ever called her Kathy, which took me years to realise. But it just became a thing, sort of my nickname for her, something that only I ever call her. These memories pain me, how the time passed so quickly. But I still cherish them, and I just want my best friend back.

"Ok," Kathrin muttered, her arm going around my shoulders, "You won't ever have to lose me again. I promise."


1001 words (edited)

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