Chapter 4 - First Day of School

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TW: Swearing, fighting


Chapter 4

September 1, Tuesday

Nathaniel's POV

Maeva has been ignoring my calls. Her two friends seem to be always around her recently. Everytime I went by her house to try and talk to her, either Sienna or Anderson would open the door.

I know she was mad-- I mean, of course she was, I technically cheated on her-- but I just want to explain to her that it wasn't me who kissed carrot top, and I tried to push her away.

And now, it's the first day of school-- senior year too. I would barely be able to graduate with my grades, but I'll somehow manage.

Finally I stepped onto the school grounds, looking around at the younger students sitting on benches or laying on the grass. Being at this school, all of the memories I had of last year came crashing in like a strong wave. It was possibly the most dramatic year I have ever had. And along with the memories, a flush of emotions seemed to fill my veins.

Though, my eyes suddenly landed on the one and only Maeva Renolds, and I felt all of my thoughts and feelings come to a pause as I felt awe cloud my head. She looked so effortlessly gorgeous, even just standing there. How she smiles, the way she talks, anything she does makes me completely swoon.

She was walking with Sienna. I assume Maeva was just dropping her off since she no longer goes here because her and her smartass was going to college.

And suddenly, I felt this urge to go up to her. I desperately wanted to talk to her. It's been two months since I last heard her delicate voice-- so without thinking it through, I walked over to the pair.

No one's POV

After Sienna realised it was the particular blonde boy that broke her best friends' heart that was walking by, she immediately switched over to-- what Kathrin would call-- her 'defensive mom mode'.

The dark haired girl went in front of Maeva, blocking her from Nate. "Leave.. right now." Sienna growled, glaring up at the Stone boy. "I don't want you and your cheating butt anywhere near her."

A sort of anger took over Nate, and he had every right to be. It was all a misunderstanding-- if only they knew how much he truly did love Maeva.

"I did not cheat on her!" Nate snapped, his eyes widening as he raised his arms. And even if Maeva knew Nate would never hit her, at least the version of Nate she fell in love with, she still flinched, a hint of fear in her chocolate brown eyes. She's never seen him this mad before, at least not at her.

With his sudden outburst, some people turned around, looking at the arguing trio.

The last thing Maeva wanted to do at that moment was talk to Nate and his cheating ass, especially with people watching them, but she felt a need to tell him herself that she wanted nothing to do with him.

"Sienna had a literal photo as proof that you and that girl kissed, so don't even try and lie to my face right now." She spat out, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Can you please just give me a chance to explain? It won't even take a minute. Just let me tell you what happened." Nate practically begged.

Maeva's gaze softened ever so slightly, and she was actually considering in giving the blonde boy a chance. But then she remembered what happened-- the thing that she just found out yesterday, the thing that caused her to feel so much dread and pain-p so her cold demeanor came back.

"I'm sorry, but no. Please, just leave me alone." The Renolds girl requested, her voice slightly quieter this time. The glint of hope on Nate's face disappeared as it fell into a frown, anger and disappointment painted all over.

"C'mon Maeva--" Nate requested again, "She said no!" Sienna then shouted out.

And all of a sudden, the blonde boy felt a tap on his shoulder. After turning around, he was welcomed with a harsh punch straight to the face. It was Kathrin.

He held onto his bruising cheek as he death-stared the Anderson girl. "You're a fucking bitch, you know that?" He asked, turning around to look at Maeva again. "Your friend's a fucking crazy bitch." He felt so small, and so defeated at that moment, he wanted to say anything to belittle someone else, as if it would make himself feel better.

His eyes were full of this make-shift hatred. I mean, he couldn't truly hate Maeva, not yet, not ever even. She meant too much to Nate for him to feel anything but awe whenever she's around. It just stunned him too much on how fast they went from enemies, to friends, to lovers, and back to enemies again-- but this time with actual memories that he will forever cherish; and, secretly, so will she.

And then he walked away, leaving the trio alone at last.

Maeva's POV

I had a small smile plastered on my face, though it was the last thing I felt like doing. I  couldn't give him a second chance, because what if something like that happened once more? I don't want to go through that pain again.

I didn't just recover from all of that just to let it happen again; hell, I'm still pretty torn inside.

"Thank you." I muttered, Kathrin shrugging ever so slightly. "What are friends for?" She responded, mirroring my smile.

And all of a sudden, Sienna leaped over to Kathrin, swinging her arms around the somewhat pink haired girl. "How are you holding up?" The Millers girl quizzed, whispering into Kathrin's ear. After she and Eleanor broke up, she just went completly MIA. "I'm fine, Sienna, really." Kathrin responded.

"Have you thought about telling the guidance counsellor?" Sienna questioned, pulling away from the uncomfortable girl, staring at her in worry. "I didn't want to tell her about my home life, I ain't telling her about my fucking love life."

"Well on the bright side, we can be lonely together now." I spoke up. "Sienna, you should break up with Dylan, join us." Kathrin then joked, all of us laughing before the pair had to go to their classes and I had to go home.


1062 words (edited)

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