Chapter 9 - Misunderstood

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TW: Swearing


Chapter 9

October 5, Monday

No one's POV

Kathrin sat with Leonard and Arthur, the two boys once again bickering about some stupid little thing.

Though Kathrin wasn't bothered, not at all. Because her eyes were fixed on her once best friend, Sienna, sitting with Sofie, Mindy, Stella and Kimmy.

Even though Kathrin knew she was technically the one in the wrong here, she still felt this anger that made her blood boil.

They were such good friends for so damn long, and just because of this one boy that somehow made his way into their friendship, all of that went down the drain.

And that made Kathrin so fucking mad. Because her true motive for the sudden switch of sides wasn't to bring harm to Maeva or Sienna, but because she just had this gut feeling that Nate didn't do anything wrong.

He had a believable story, and still desperately chased after Maeva even months after their break up. And for this one time, Kathrin went with her feelings rather than her mind.

Over a sudden rash decision, she dashed out of her seat and angrily strutted over to the table where Sienna sat at. "Sienna, please, can we talk?" Kathrin quizzed, trying to keep her voice low so she wouldn't draw attention from the other people.

Sienna rolled her eyes, which only made her even more mad. But Kathrin took a deep breath, fluttering her eyes shut, before opening them again with a temporary clear mind.

"Sienna-- please. C'mon man, I'm sorry. I just want to talk." The brunette girl (her hair grew to a point where the pink-ness didn't fit anymore, so she got it cut and back to its normal color) sighed out, fidgeting with her fingers; yet Sienna still didn't agree.

"Dude, what the fuck. I didn't mean it like that, okay? Y'know what, I won't take his side anymore. I swear to God, I didn't mean it that way." Kathrin exasperated, clenching her hands into fists.

"No," Sienna simply muttered out, refusing to even look at the Anderson girl, "You chose to take his side, you'll have to deal with the consequences. Now leave."

Kathrin squeezed her eyes shut, starting to bite her nails. It was a really bad habit, but it helped with containing feelings.

And as much as she was trying not to lash out, she could still not control the slight raise of volume in her voice. "Sienna, we're not fucking children anymore. It's not 'you did this wrong, I'm not gonna talk to you' anymore. Stop being so fucking immature."

Though suddenly Kimmy shouted out, "Leave! You heard Sienna, just go."

The Anderson girl furrowed her eyebrows, confusion clouding her head. "Why the fuck do you have a problem with me?" She quizzed, shifting her gaze to look at the other girl.

"You broke my best friends' heart." Kimmy replied. Again, Kathrin's heart started beating faster in fury. "Is that what she told you?" She slightly yelled out, balling her hands into fists again, digging her nails into her palm.

"Well, she didn't. She hasn't talked to me since she left. I haven't talked to my best friends for months because of you." The dark haired girl stated, a slight crack in her voice.

And that was Kathrin's breaking point. She felt like if she didn't leave that area as soon as possible, she was going to explode.

Now she knows what Nate was feeling like. Blamed for breaking someone's heart, even if they proved again and again that they wanted to do anything but that.

She truly did love Eleanor, and Nate truly did love Maeva.

But all because things got lost in translation, they were known as the villains, the heartbreakers-- the ones that didn't love enough to stay.

So instead of causing trouble, Kathrin walked away, going over to the Stone boys' table.

She saw Nate and Jeremy sitting together-- Nate as broody as usual, and Jeremy trying to cheer him up by acting like a complete idiot.

Kathrin harshly slammed her hands onto their table, both of them flinching back ever so slightly. "We need to fix your little love dilemma right fucking now." Kathrin blurted out, the both of them looking at her shocked and confused. "Hi Jerry-boy." She then greeted the other giy, though immediately going back to looking at Nate. "Jerry-boy?" Jeremy then asked, more to himself than her.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Nate then asked, smirking ever so slightly. Kathrin rolled her eyes, pulling a chair out from in front of them to sit down.

"Shut the fuck up- I don't care for either of you, I'm only doing this for my own reasons, okay? I've been trying to let them see the reason as to why you wouldn't cheat on Maeva, but they just can't get it into their thick skulls on how in love with her you are." The brunette girl explained, her words fast and rushed.

"Yes, definitely. Because you don't care about me so much that you actually went out of your way to defend me." Nate sarcastically remarked, a smug look painted on his face while the girl just glared at him, flipping him off.

"Fuck off, suck it up, and win her back; before it's too late." Kathrin barked out, vigorously shaking her leg up and down.

Nate scoffed, glancing over to his friend, and back to Kathrin. "What the fuck do you think I've been doing? I think it's already too late." The blonde boy mumbled out, moving his food around on his plate with his fork.

Kathrin suddenly stood up, her chair being pushed back so much that it fell with a bang; but people were used to their bickering, so they didn't really care enough to watch.

She grabbed onto his shirt and roughly pulled him closer. "It's not too late until she falls out of love-- and as far as I know, she doesn't move on that fast."

Eventually, Kathrin let go of him, staying stood as she continued on talking, "And what you're doing isn't enough-- c'mon, be creative. Fucking go to her college dorm with a take-me-back sign, sing a song for her in the talent show- I don't fucking know; but think of something."

Nate only stared straight at the grey table, Kathrin walking away (picking up the chair first, of course).

Though in his moment of silence, Jeremy spoke up, asking, "You're not actually thinking about doing these things, are you?" Nate shrugged, "I mean--" He started saying, chuckling ever so slightly.

Jeremy laughed under his breath, taking a bite of his food. "You're gonna make a fool of yourself."


1109 words (edited)

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