Chapter 10 - Obsession Pt. 1

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Chapter 10

October 7, Wednesday

Maeva's POV

I sat in my dorm room, doing work. College was harder than I thought, but I'm managing.

It was mostly silent. The only noise I could hear was the music coming out of my airpods. Though suddenly there was laughter and footsteps coming from outside of the room and from the hallway, leading to the door swinging open to reveal Lauren.

She wore a forest green sweater with pastel beige wide-leg jeans.

She wore a forest green sweater with pastel beige wide-leg jeans

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Lauren's outfit

After only a second of glancing at her, I immediately turned back to my work. "Hey Maeva, watcha working on?" Lauren asked, seeming awfully cheery. "Homework." I simply responded, taking out one airpod so I'd be able to hear her, not taking my eyes off of my laptop.

"What are you even working on.. is that even a real word?" The brunette quizzed, looking at my computer over my shoulder. I sighed, getting only slightly annoyed. "Yes, yes it is." I breathed out.

Lauren shrugged, taking her shoes off and going onto my bed in front of me, crossing her legs. "School started for one week and you're already buried in work," The girl stated, snatching my laptop away from me all of a sudden.

"Hey! Lauren-0 give that back!" I yelped, going to reach for it, but the brunette girl kept dodging me. "C'mon, take a break. I saw your schedule, you finished all of your classes today. How 'bout I take you to that cafe down the street?" Lauren offered.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "You'll let me work in peace after that?" I questioned, her nodding in response.

Time skip

I changed into a tight white shirt and wide-leg jeans with an off-white jumper over top. I also put on some fake diamond earrings (I can't get real ones, but we can pretend till I do) and a heart necklace. I put on some 530's and then Lauren and I left.

 I put on some 530's and then Lauren and I left

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Maeva's outfit

The two of us sat in the small cafe, both of us drinking our iced coffees. We talked a bit, laughed some too-- but after a while, it just got silent.

The chattering in the room weren't that loud either, the main source of noise being the soft music playing in the background.

Though, in my moment of pausing, an image of Josh flashed into my mind. How he looked at me the other day, the way he said my name, how he leaned on that door frame-- I just couldn't seem to get him out of my head.

I didn't know what these emotions were. I don't think I have feelings for him, that needs time. But it's almost like an... obsession.

An obsession with the attention he gave me and continued to give me-- craving for him to focus on me and me only. Obsessed with how he made me feel, this churning feeling in my stomach.

But then I remembered what Lauren said my first day here.

"This is Joshua Johnson, the biggest player on this campus."

That memory only allowed jealousy to cloud my head. He probably did this to every other girl-- the same seductive glances, the same tempting voice, the same alluring compliments; I'm just like every other girl he's been with, falling for his devious trap.

And a big part of me was telling me to be smart: don't let someone like him into your life and ruin it all over again. I've learnt my lesson, and I was not going to go through that pain once more.

But then there was this small part of me that decided to trust the mystery in Josh. I don't know what he was really like-- I've only known him for a little more than a week. What if he was truly sweet and kind, and I just didn't know it yet?

And for a second, I let the inducing thoughts win.

"Hey Lauren," I called out, her humming in response as her head quickly turned over to me. "Have you dated Josh before?" I quizzed, hearing a snort from Lauren as her eyes widened ever so slightly. "Why--" She started asking, though I answered before she could.

"Uh-- you two just seem really close, y'know." I declared, nervously fidgeting with the rings on my fingers. Lauren laughed under her breath, shaking her head. "No, of course Josh and I have never dated." The brunette replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

And I could feel myself take a breath of relief. Damn, he really made me feel so much even though we've only known each other for such little time.

"Why? Do you like him?" She asked, smirking, while I slightly choked on my coffee, coughing a lot afterwards. "What? Of course not. Why-- why would I like him?" I asked, trying to hide the slight blush that was creeping on my face.

"Oh, speak of the Devil," Lauren then mumbled under her breath, a fake annoyance in her voice.

I turned my head, my chocolate brown eyes landing on the curly haired boy. He wore a navy blue polo with straight jeans, as well as some 550's.

 He wore a navy blue polo with straight jeans, as well as some 550's

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Joshua's outfit

I could feel my heartbeat increase, butterflies emerging in my stomach. The blush on my cheeks only grew redder. That's how he made me feel by just simply being there. As much as I tried to control it, I really just... couldn't

"Hey," He rasped out, eyeing my slyly, "You look good today." He then said, not even regarding the fact that Lauren was here.

"Thanks," I murmured out, not able to control the small smile that grew on my face. "Well I need to go." Lauren muttered, grabbing her purse before leaving. And as she walked away, she gave me playful thumbs-up's as I just simply glared at her.

And truthfully, I didn't know how to feel. But what I did know was that I was definitely developing some form of a crush.


998 words (edited)

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