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What should I wear??

Jeez, it's just going to the noraebang...

No! It's a date! Another voice in my head said.

It isn't a date exactly. He didn't say so. You are thinking too much.

But if he doesn't like you, why would he be so nice to you? Why would he ask you out to noraebang?

He's just nice... It's just noraebang. It's not like as if the movies or what.

But why so random ask you out to a noraebang?

Because he says I sing well?

I could hear this voice faltering. It was as if there were two voices in my head arguing. The image of the angel in white with a halo versus the cute little devil with its horn and holding that, what do you call it, a pitchfork I think, came into view. So the angel voice was trying to be logical. Actually, I feel the devil voice was also logical. Damn.

So, you think he likes me?

Why do you a boy bother if he doesn't like you? Or at least he feels something for you, I would say.

But... but, what if he really likes me?

Isn't that good? You like him, don't you?

Argh... I don't know!

Come on, admit it, you like him.


Don't you?

Arghhhhhhh. Yes! I think I like him!

So, don't you want to go out with him?

I do! But, but, what if, it's just my one-sided thinking. What if he is just being nice? Not because he likes me back...?

Then why would he ask you out? Don't he have better things to do? Don't he need to practise for his audition? That should be more important to him.

Maybe, maybe, he wants to go practise at the noraebang?!

Maybe. But even if so, don't you feel happy that he asked you? You told you his secret, remember?

True... Argh, heck care, I'll just go! Just because I want to!

That's the attitude!

Then, what should I wear?!

I groaned again. It seemed like the devil voice had won the battle for now. But that didn't help with the issue I was having now.

Should I wear a dress? But would that be an overkill? Or should I just go for my usual tee shirt and jeans? Would it be too casual? Arghh, I groaned again.

My phone beeped.

KJW: Should we meet at the station at half past ten?

It beeped again.

KJW: Sorry, btw good morning!

I couldn't help grinning.

I looked at the clock. It was almost ten. Oh shit, oh shit. If half past ten, means I don't have much time left. It would take ten minutes to walk there.. means I had to leave by ten fifteen... and I have not showered... DAMN!

I quickly replied to him an okay. Then I realised I forgot to say good morning too. So I added another text saying sorry, good morning! before I dumped my phone on the bed and jumped into the shower.

I went with a blouse and jeans in the end. Something smart casual as I called it.

I was halfway down the stairs when I realised I left the phone on the bed. Damn. I hurried back up, picked it up, and ran down the stairs.

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