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It was as if nothing had happened since I left two weeks ago.

The crowd outside the hospital had dispersed and everything was back to normal. People greeted me like nothing had happened and I wasn't anybody special except an assistant director.

During my stay with Chris, other than giving me relationship advice, he also talked about my work. Even though he was much younger than me, sometimes I felt he was more matured and wise.

"Since you are not happy about it, then change it. You are now in a position of authority. You call the shots and make the call," he told me.

But, I told him about the board and the management.

"Have you tried?" he challenged.

No, I have not, I had to admit.

I was behaving like those people who only complains but never make an effort to try and improve things. That's why there's a saying, if you are not happy with the system, either you change it or keep quiet or leave.

I'm definitely not going to keep quiet or leave without putting up a fight first!

Apparently, the board wasn't going to leave things as it is either.

They needed a face for the department on social media and attending conferences and I was easily chosen. They felt that firstly I had done well on the last few conferences and people recognised me, also putting me as the voice and face was also convenient, since, well, I had 'connection'. The public recognised me. So, while I started off as 'Yesung's girlfriend', I began to grow my own reputation as 'The Cardiosurgeon'.

"You are getting more popular than me!" Kang-hoon teased me. I have reverted calling him Kang-hoon instead of Yesung. I felt that using his name was more personal. Whichever that suits you, he had said.

I had been invited on a couple of medical shows on TV, talking about heart issues and what not. The dept thought that it would be good - public education. Of course, and the publicity.

There was even once I ran into Lee Teuk at the TV station. He was recording for his show too. My host was surprised to see that I knew Lee Teuk. I think my host was those second league hosts and interested to promote to mainstream or something, so he was very impressed to see me talking to Lee Teuk. He was a young MC and apparently wasn't aware of who I was dating.

Lee Teuk was walking with Kim Jongkook his co host and he introduced us. I actually had the chance to appear on TV once with his brother who was a cosmetics surgeon. I recognised him from TV of course, and through his younger celeb brother.

Kim Jongkook was a very friendly and somewhat shy guy. Apparently he had watched some of my health shows and recognised me. I was honored. Only at the end, Lee Teuk mentioned that I'm Yesung's girlfriend and he was slightly surprised.

Other than appearing on TV, I resumed teaching as well and my classes were even more popular now that I was a 'celebrity teacher'. We had to open more classes to cater to the growing cohort.

I also got involved with the dept research work. Though I wasn't physically involved, I would sit in their monthly meetings and contribute any ideas or comments.

In the ward, though I still wasn't seeing that many patients, I had taken up a few major surgeries. I had been specially requested by patients and their families as well, either by word of mouth from past recovered patients, or they watched me on TV. Usually I try not to get involved, because my charges were not cheap though I wanted it to be, but the hospital charges were based on hierarchy and an assistant director was not cheap. I had also been requested by VIPs and I became the VIP doctor as well.

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