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There never was a bigger entertainment news. On tabloids, on mainstream news, on radio, on magazines, even on IG and Youtube. Those sitting nearby managed to capture everything on video.

While there were many well wishes, there were also the nasty ones. I've learnt enough to know that these people were the jealous ones. That's why they were so mean.

"Who do she think she is.."

"People is a cardiosurgeon okay!"

"Yesung is so romantic.. he's in love with her for twenty years.."

"She's not very pretty.."

"She's so lucky to get Yesung.."

"He finally proposed!"

"They are so sweet together!"

"She sings very well!"

Everywhere I went, supermarket, hospital, even in the public toilet, everybody congratulated me until I was tired to say thank you anymore but I have to.

I was worried about the aftermath of the proposal on Kanghoon, then I found out he had done all his prep work. He had sought the approval of his agency, and he had discussed with the guys, basically he had weighed out all the consequences, even considering my reaction and if I could accept such a proposal.

"Initially, I thought maybe I should just do a private proposal, just you and me.. take you to a romantic place, or beach or dinner and then propose to you. Then the guys say it'll be cool to go it at the concert and receive the blessings of the fans, let them be part of the joy... sorry, we thought of our fans first, how to involve them in our every day lives..." he had admitted. Lucky for him, I didn't particularly minded.

He went to visit Grandma with me as well, for the proper greetings to the elder and asking for hand in marriage, all formality but in his opinion necessary.

Grandma went like, go - marry her and take her home - and faster have a baby. Jeez.

Visits to his house became a more regular thing as I join them for dinners whenever I can, even if Kanghoon was not having his dinner. I was practically part of the family. And his mom was trying hard not to push on regarding the wedding details.

And when we wanted alone time, he came over to my place.

We talked about getting a proper place for ourselves, somewhere near the hospital and somewhere near his parents' home, something in between.

We had been looking at brochures as well and narrowed down a few options for viewing. It was down to me to talk to the agent but I had been quite busy again these days.

I had also brought him to dinner with Dr Seo and his wife. They welcomed him with great hospitality. And Dr Seo surprised me by raising a proposal to start his own private clinic and asked me if I would be his co-partner.

Kanghoon suggested I give it a good consideration. Going private has its perks and pros but at the beginning it would not be easy, and we would need to perhaps engage one or two more doctors into the business. My first thought was Mason and Mandy but that would be wrong, to 'steal' employees away.

As for the wedding itself, I've always dreamt of a beach wedding. So that means it would have to be in spring or autumn. Summer would be too hot and winter too cold. I mentioned it to him.

"Let's do a beach wedding then!" he agreed immediately. "Next spring?"

It was October now, so we have less than six months..

"Would that be too rushed?" I frowned.

"It's not early enough! If possible, I want to marry you tomorrow!"

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