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For the first time after coming back from vacation, I was disoriented. I couldn't get back into momentum.

I had been staring at my screen for the last thirty minutes thinking what to write. I had to submit a report to the management for the conference but I could not even start.

"It's the first time I've seen you so distracted," Mandy laughed when she popped by.

"Arghh," I groaned. "I just cannot seem to get this report started.." I grabbed my hair.

"It shows that you had been vacation deprived and now you can't get back to work haha!"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Go away. You are not helping."

She laughed again before she went away.

And I was back to staring at my blank screen again.

Damn. I sighed.

I picked up my phone and saw a notification from Instagram so I opened it. Yesung had posted a photo with a rainbow. I recognised the place as London but I did not recall seeing a rainbow.

So I replied on his post. "Where did you see the rainbow?"

Almost immediately, my phone vibrated. I nearly dropped it.

He had sent me a text instead.

KJW: From the window of our accommodation in Kensington

Me: Oh

Me: Why did you reply me here?

KJW: If I reply you on IG, because you are not an idol, people will speculate who you are and may even start stalking you

Me: That sounds scary. Do you get stalked?"

KJW: Not really. I'm not really that hot. I think Hee Chul did.

Me: Oh my.. Anyway, it's a beautiful picture.

KJW: <smile>

KJW: How's work?

Me: Argh, don't even start. I have been stuck in front of my computer for the past one hour

KJW: How come?

Me: I can't seem to get started. Totally stuck.

KJW: Maybe take a break? Walk away, go for a tea or something?

I let out a deep sigh. Ya, maybe I should do that. I picked up my phone, left my screen and headed out.

Me: Ya, I shall do that.

KJW: I find that it helps to refresh my mind. Sometimes, I take my dogs out for a walk too. Do you like dogs?

I walked through the garden. Patients were out too. The nurses greeted me.

Me: I don't mind dogs I think. I don't have any special affection for them.

KJW: Maybe you can try.. I do find it quite therapeutic.. lol

Me: To keep a dog? I won't have time for it. The dog will be lonely.

KJW: Well.. you can come and play with my dogs sometimes..

Was that an invitation again?

Me: Haha okay

KJW: What time do you usually finish work?

I walked away from the gardens and headed to the cafeteria. Perhaps I could get a doughnut. Sugar helps me think.

Me: Seven but by the time I'm done, usually eight

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