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When I woke up in the morning, I couldn't recall what happened the night before right away. Then it came all to me and I jumped out of bed. I went to check my phone, it was still dead.

I found dad's number on the fridge. Grandma had written all the telephone numbers on a piece of paper and stuck it on the fridge.

I picked up the phone and called him.

He picked up only after my second time trying.

"Hello?" He said on an irritated phone.

"This is Hyo-ri," I said.

"Hyo-ri?" his voice was softer now.

"Grandma had an heart attack yesterday."

There was a pause.

"She's admitted to the hospital and now in ICU. The doctor wants to speak to you."


There was a pause again.

"I'm going to the hospital after I put down. What time can you be there?"


I think he thought I was calling from the hospital and he was waiting for the doctor to speak to him on the phone.

"I'll be done once I'm done with my meeting."

He never asked Grandma's condition, how she was doing, whether she was awake.. and his meeting was more important than Grandma. I wanted to scream at him but I has no more energy left.

I told him which hospital to go before I hung up.

I packed my bag, made sure I brought my wallet, as well as Grandma's, just in case, and took my dead phone along as well.

I ran into the vegetables aunty outside. She was worried about Grandma and I told her. I asked her if a boy had come looking for me.

"The boy who always came home with you?" She piped. Then she said no.

Not sure why, but I was disappointed to hear that Jong Woon didn't come to look for me.

I took the bus to the hospital. It passed by the school, then I realised this was a school day. But I couldn't stop now. I would have to look for Mr Go and explain to him later.

The first thing I did when I reached the hospital was to look for the nurse and return her the money. Unfortunately she had finished her shift and left for the day. I had to wait for her next shift.

Grandma had not awaken yet. The doctor came to check on her and I thanked him again for sending me home. Once again he asked about dad and I told him he would be coming after his meeting. He seemed surprised to hear that though he didn't say anything.

Dad turned up after lunch. I just finished my lunch at the cafeteria. I realised I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday's morning.

He went straight to the doctor's office while I went to sit with Grandma. I had wanted to go with him but he didn't allow me to.

He came to the ICU almost an hour later.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked him.

"The doctor said she has this condition called the car... car... car-something. Basically means some kind of heart condition. The worst case of scenario requires a heart transplant. But luckily, hers is not so serious yet. But it causes her to have irregular heart rhythms and it is not good. One way to treat it is to go for operation and replace some valve or some kind but because of her age, he doesn't recommend it unless no choice. At the moment, he suggests to monitor."

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