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I must be crazy.

Because I went to extend my trip. Prof Park was more than elated to grant his approval.

"That's what you should do," he had said. "Make use of the opportunity and take a vacation!"

I also found out that I would be taking business class, much to my bewilderment.

"Hanna!" Mandy burst into my office one day after lunch.

I jumped as I looked up. I was preparing my notes for the conference.

"You extended your trip!" She exclaimed as she plod down into the chair before me.

"Yes.." I sighed. You just couldn't keep any secrets from her.

"What made you change your mind?"

"I thought it was a good opportunity," I shrugged. "To take a vacation, since it was offered to me."

"You are finally evolving," she grinned.

I raised an eyebrow.

"First, you started following social posts. Now, you are going on a solo trip."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"I've always been following social posts. And second, I always do solo trips," I corrected her.

"Correction. First, you started following idols on their social page. Second, you are doing a solo trip to other than Mynamar."

I chuckled. I have to give it to her.

"Maybe you'll meet the man of your dreams!"

"You watched too many movies.." I scolded.

"If not man, woman?" her eyes widened.

"What - of course not! I'm not homosexual."

"How do you even know? Have you ever dated? I've never seen you with anyone."

"That doesn't mean I like women."

"Frankly, have you ever dated? I've known you since med school.. There were interested guys, but you never showed any interest."

"That's because I wanted to concentrate on my studies," I pointed out.

"You are not answering my question, Prof Lee."

I chuckled. She was trying to be all the teacher on me.

"Why does it matter?"

"Curiosity. And you know I'll never stop asking until I get an answer."

"Fine. Yes, so, stop asking."

"Really? When? Who? Was he handsome? Where is he now?"


She looked at me still. That look that says you better answer if not.

"Senior year."

"High school senior year? Oh wow - and you still managed to ace your CSAT? You are a monster."

I laughed.

"What happened then? Why did you break up?"

"We just moved on in life. Alright, stop asking me about my love life."

"You should go to Paris," she said suddenly.


"It's the city of love.." She said dreamily.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"And French guys are so handsome.."

"And I don't speak French."

Love Me Once AgainWhere stories live. Discover now