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I have decided to sit for both CSAT and SAT, after those four books fervently over the weekend. And I was confident that I would pass at least one of the two if not both. As for cram school, I decided I could do it by myself. So I set off to the nearest biggest bookstore, which was three train stations away. Other than the time when I arrived in Seoul and took the airport express train, I hadn't otherwise got on a train.

I wanted to quickly go to the bookstore on Sunday after I made my decision. I wasn't a person to wait. I liked to do things fast and quick, and I liked to plan in advance. But that means I get easily pissed off when I had to alter my plans. Like I was planning to go to my class' Christmas party only to miss it by coming to Seoul. They didn't even have time to throw a farewell party for me. I didn't even properly say my goodbyes.

Anyway, Sunday wasn't a good time. Weekends were the busiest for Grandma at her shop. So I stayed in to help her, even though she insisted I 'go out and play'. I wondered where she expected me to go.. after just one week in Seoul. I wasn't like most teenagers. I was a home-stayer.

Business was exceptionally good. There were families, friends, and couples, and I might have spotted a few kids from my school. They were equally surprised to see me. They probably lived in this neighbourhood and were surprised to see me here when I was never here before.

"Is this your granddaughter?" I heard a lot of the older customers asking my grandma.

Grandma was beaming as she answered. I suspected she must be feeling proud about it.

"She's so big now," one person said.

"She's so pretty. Can I introduce her to my Minho one day?"

Oh, please... why was it becoming a matchmaking session, eh?

I just smiled politely as I served every customer until we were sold out for the day. Grandma said this was one of the rare few days where she sold out.

And so, I deferred the bookstore trip to Monday after school.

But after school on Monday, Danli said they were going to the noraebang since there was no cram school due to don't-know-what seminar. I thought I saw Su-a's face looking pissed. Danli said that girl was a study freak, obsessed with grades and being top in the level.

We were packing up to leave when Kim Jong Woon got up to leave as well.

Since our last bus trip home together, I had never bumped into him on the bus in the mornings. If I caught the last in time bus to school, that only means he took the earlier bus to school. Was he trying to avoid me? I don't think so. Why should he..?

But when I came into class, to my desk, he would at least bother to look up and smile, even though he had those earpods plugged in. I still didn't get what he meant when he said he was listening to demos. What demos..?

And I wasn't sure if he was still practising dancing at the rooftop after school. I never asked him. I never mentioned it. Neither did I attempt to go find out. It was his little secret, after all.

"Kim Jong Woon!" Danli stopped him suddenly. He turned back in shock. I thought he had his earpods, yet he could still hear her calling him.


"We are going to noraebang. Want to join us?"

From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a surprise look on both Sunjae and Hae-e's faces. Like, hey, Danli, what are you doing - why are you inviting this guys, kind of vibe.

"Eh?" Kim Jong Woon was surprised by the invite too.

"You know, this guy," she said to me. "Ever won a broadcast singing competition. I think it was two years back..."

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