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"Label SJ confirms #SuperJunior #Yesung is dating a non-celebrity. Please show lots of support so they can continue their beautiful relationship," Mandy read out loud. She was in my office for once, sitting on the visitors' couch.

She continued to read.

"But as many would know, the lady is a distinguished cardiosurgeon at SNUH. The two have started dating a few months ago since she came back from her overseas volunteering -"

"They knew that as well?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Never underestimate the power of social media," she said. "And paparazzi. You got to watch your Ps and Qs from now on!" she warned me.

I groaned.

"The two of them had apparently known each other since high school. She could even be his first love," she chuckled. "Is it?" she looked at me.

"How would I know?" I shrugged.

She raised an eyebrow with a cheeky grin. She didn't believe me.

I let out another sigh. I had been hiding in my office since morning. I just couldn't stand people looking at me again, be it intentionally or not.

His company's PR had been quick to react and released this official announcement. But the paparrazi had been faster, with all these juicy info bits about us. However, that's as much as all they can get. I'm not going to let them dig any more info.

Yesung had instructed me not to speak to anyone, particularly paparrazi. For now, it's hot from the oven, he said. But it will die down after a while. We just need to stay low until then.

Easier said than done.

First thing, how was I going to step out of this place..?

Last I checked at noon, the crowd was still crazy at the door. People are just not giving up.

"Are you seriously going to camp here in your office tonight?" Mandy asked in disbelief when I told her my idea.

"What's wrong? It's not like I've never sleep overnight in the hospital anyway," I shrugged.

"Okay. A night maybe. But how long will you do that?"

"Hopefully the crowd will die off tomorrow," I said hopefully.

She raised her eyebrows at me. "Hopefully," she scorned.

I sighed. She didn't think so. And neither did I.

I told the same to Yesung later as well.

YS: Don't you have another exit to go out from?

Me: Yes, for the dead

The mortuary exit.

YS: Jeez..

YS: How about for the VIPs? Like when the celebs or politicians stay at the hospital?

Me: It's flooded with papparazzi as well. Mandy's checked.

YS: Shit.

YS: I'm so sorry.. I got you into this shit

Me: Nah..

Me: What about your end?

YS: I'm used to it

YS: Besides, I have the managers and security to block

YS: Maybe I should send the manager to pick you

Me: Oh no no no ! That will definitely attract more attention

YS: But then you have to sleep in your office

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