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"Why don't you just be our tutor?" Danli groaned. "Then we can save money from cram school."

I had just finished going through the Maths paper with them.

I had also proven myself as a tutor because Jong Woon from his mid term exams scored a level two, all thanks to me. Even Mr Go was very surprised. There's hope in him, he had said. I think secretly, Mr Go also felt that Jong Woon might not be able to graduate.

Today was our last day of school before the one month summer break. For most of the seniors, there won't be any break as they continue to attend cram school. It was a less than five months countdown to the CSAT.

I also won't be seeing Jong Woon at all throughout this summer break because he was going for an in-camp training at SM. They would be staying in the dormitory for an intensive one month training. They would not be allowed to go home and most of the time, they would not be able to use their phones. So, not only I won't get to see him, I couldn't even communicate with him. What kind of ridiculous training this was..!

I think Hae-e suspected that Jong Woon and I were dating though she didn't say anything or ask me about it. In school, we were discreet and hardly talked to each other. After school, we met up at the park behind my house. He practised his dancing while I revised my work.

When we were done, I packed up and said goodbye to my two friends.

Jong Woon did not come to school today. So I went to find him. He was already waiting at the park when I got there.

"Are you not practising today? I asked curiously.

"Should we skip and go somewhere today?" He asked.

"Where? Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Should we go and catch a movie?"

"A movie? Okay... what movie?"

"Harry Potter? I heard it is very good."

"The book was good," I said. "I was wondering if it was worth watching the movie..."

"Or you want to watch something else?" He asked.

I shook my head. "OK with me. I don't have any preference," I told him.

So, both of us, in our own clothes, we caught the bus to the next neighbourhood where there was a small cinema.

He went to buy the tickets while I waited for him. Because it was the start of the vacation, there were many students wanting to watch movies.

"Do you want popcorn?" He asked when he returned with the tickets.

I didn't fancy eating popcorn so I shook my head. He didn't get any for himself either. He said he had to go on diet. I looked at him in disbelief. He was already skinny enough..

We didn't had to wait too long because he bought the next movie time slot.

The movie itself was almost three hours. I was very fascinated by the movie because it was so magical and I was trying to spot the differences between the book and the movie.

Even though he had never read the book or even heard of Harry Potter before, he was also intrigued by the movie.

We went for dessert after. He brought me to a bingsoo cafe. Bingsoo is like a Korean shaved ice dessert. You have a bowl of shaved ice with sometimes rice cake or fruits, topped with maybe chocolate powder and sauce, it depends on what you choose. I tried the Injeolmi bingsoo, which was the so-called traditional one. I liked it.

"So, what exactly do you do at the camp?" I asked him.

"We train for the whole day," he answered. "We'll have singing drills, individually as well in groups. We'll have dance practice, usually in the afternoons. We'll have assignments to do too, like writing music those sort, and we'll have gym time as well, I suppose."

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