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Returning to work on Monday was harder than I anticipated. It was starting a new job as a newbie all over again.

There were so many new faces because of the new batch of nurses and housemen and residents. I had been away for almost two years and I had gotten darker I suppose. A young nurse thought I was a visitor and had gotten lost and asked me which ward I was looking for.

My old office had been reassigned so I have no office now, at least no more my old office which I nearly loved.

"Prof Lee!"

One of my second year residents, or is it fourth year now? Maggie, if I didn't remember wrongly. I took a quick look at her name tag.

Maggie Kim.

"Maggie," I smiled at her. "Fourth year now?"

She nodded with a wide beam. "Welcome back!" There was a few seconds of hesitation before she stepped forward to hug me. I hugged her back.

There was a look of bewilderment on the young nurse's face.

"Oh - I thought -" she stammered.

I smiled at her.

"She just joined us this term," Maggie told me. Then to the nurse she told her, "This is Prof Hanna Lee. She had been away on study leave."

"Oh! I saw her name -" the nurse nodded. "On the org chart," she added when she saw my narrowed questioning eyes.

"Should I be glad that my name is still on the org chart?" I laughed.

"It's always there!" Maggie piped.

"Prof Lee!"

Another of my residents, Kwanghee, I think, came running up.

"You are back!"

"Yes, I'm back," I grinned. I cannot say that I wasn't pleased by their reaction.

"Are you back for good?" he asked.

I chuckled. "For now, yes. The director does not allow me to go anywhere else."

"Because you are our ace," Maggie piped.

"I am not," I blushed. "Is it only the two of you? Where are the rest?"

"They moved on," Kwanghee shrugged his shoulders.

"To where?" I asked.

"Hmm.. Bae Dongjun transferred to ER -"

"ER?" I piped.

They nodded.

"I told him he'll regret it," Maggie laughed.

"Celest went on study leave as well. And Minkyu, where did he go?"

"SMH," Maggie answered.

"SMH?" My eyes widened in surprise. Oh wow. That was like one of the elite private hospitals. Good for him.

"Anyway," I said. "I need to go and say hi to the director and find my new office. My old office is good."

"Ah - Dr Mandy took over your old office," Maggie chuckled.

"Huh - that woman - she didn't say!"

I made my way to the director's office. I should have call on him first but I was too excited wanting to see everybody, yet everybody was gone.

I knocked on his door.

"Come in!" That familiar booming voice greeted me.

I pushed open the door. He didn't look up until I was standing right before him.

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