Forty-five (Final)

74 5 11

It was a bright and sunny day in Jeju. A good day for a beach wedding.

Mom had flew in from Cambodia to stay with me for a week.

As per customs, the bride and groom should not meet before the wedding, so Kanghoon had temporarily returned to his parents' place for a week, and hence Mom was staying with me.

We flew into Jeju a day before the wedding to check into the hotel. Kanghoon would be flying in tonight with some of the guys. In fact, most of the people would be flying in tonight. Those who were flying in on the actual day were those who aren't going to stay overnight.

After the wedding, Kanghoon and I would be staying another two nights like a mini honeymoon before we return to Seoul.

The make up team would be flying in the evening as well. We would be using Kanghoon's usual make up artists. He was very familiar and comfortable with them because he had been working them for over ten years. I had no preference since I didn't know anything about such stuff.

Also, as an additional favour and sort of 'gift' to Kanghoon, they would make up for the other SJ guys as well as their parents.

Mandy would also be flying in with me and Mom. Though she should be joining us for a quiet dinner, she had asked for 'permission' to go with the guys instead. Of course, I know her. I think she has taken a liking to one of the stylists.

While the last bachelor night party was going on, I was trying desperately to go to sleep. But my nerves got the better of me. I ended up watching TV until I fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up before the alarm clock rang at five am. Just as I finished washing up, my doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Hyejin smiled at me with her big box of make up tools.

"Good morning!" She didn't looked tired at all, as if this was a common thing for her. I bet it was..

"Good morning," I smiled back and let her in.

"You must be too excited to sleep," she teased.

"Do I look bad?"

She chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you are the prettiest person today."

"Haha!" I laughed.

We sat down and she started working on my face first. She said fortunately my complexion was not too bag so we didn't have to do too much. She wanted to give me a natural look. So it only took an hour for the face before we went to the hair which required more time. Our wedding reception would begin at ten and the actual wedding at eleven, just in time for a lunch afterwards. I didn't have to be at the reception. Mandy and Jongjin and the parents would be there, and of course, Kanghoon as well. But there wasn't much to do since most of the guests had already arrived and at the bachelor's party.

After my hair was done, I changed into the gown with Hyejin's help. For the actual wedding, I had chosen a simple dress. My more elaborated gown was used only for the photoshoot. I had a total of five gowns including a traditional hanbok which we would wear for the family reception later.

As of custom as well, guests could come to the bride's room and take pictures with her, send their blessings, before the wedding starts. So, my door was opened once I was ready.

Mandy was the first person because she had to be at the wedding reception later.

She grinned at me. She was looking very pretty as well. She had to go after a quick picture.

Kanghoon's parents came up as well. His mom jokingly teased me, "You should be calling us Dad and Mom." Oh.. I blushed.

Dr Seo came with his wife, and there was Kevin. Mason couldn't come and he had apologised in advance. I did tried to invite Chris but his grandma passed away last weekend and he couldn't.

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