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One week back at work and things seemed to be back to normal.

At first, everybody had been very polite and cautious around me until I told them not to, but to treat me as normally as they would.  Honestly, it didn't affect me as much as I thought I might be. I even got a good camping trip out of it.

I think my words that night might had affected Jong Woon a little. In the drive back on the following morning, he didn't speak much though there was a little funny incident - he had to borrow my bathroom because he had such a bad tummy ache. He reckoned he must had overeat the night before. I did saw him eating a lot.

He was super embarrassed about it. And that was the first time he came to my apartment. He was surprised at how simple it was. I told him I was hardly at home so I didn't need an overly decorated place. All I need was a bathroom and a bed to sleep in.

On the other hand, I was super worried about Grandma. She sounded very cheerful on the phone and I half suspected that she could be acting up. I told her I would visit her over the weekend.

Work was lined up as usual and soon, days went by in weeks and months.

Jong Woon was busy with the promotion of his new album, appearing on variety shows and music shows. He had a ticket to one music show Inkigayo but I had a major op that day so I turned it down.

We still continued chatting on text, though not everyday. We just talked about random stuff like how our day was, how work was, or his dogs, or sometimes once in a while, jokes that some other members told which he thought was very funny and shared with me.

By now, I finally learnt all the names of the members of Super Junior. A good achievement on my part I would say.

I was looking through my notes for the afternoon rounds when Kevin came around. My nurses loved to see him because he was one of the good looking doctors around and since he wasn't from our dept, it was a rare threat to see him.

He knocked on my door before popping his head in.


I looked up and gave him a smile. "Not really. What's up?"

"What will you be doing for Mandy's birthday?" He slipped his body in.

"Huh..?" I gave him a blank look. Mandy's birthday? Was her birthday soon?

He narrowed his eyes questioningly. "You forgot," he accused. "It's this Saturday, my dear."

"Oh, is it?" Shit, I totally forgot. I looked at my calendar. Oh ya, I had marked it down. "Shit.."

He let out a sigh. "I would guess so."

"I better prepare something," I groaned. "Is she working on Saturday..?" I pondered.

"No she is not. I've checked with Mason. But Mason is on duty and so am I. So, should we just have a dinner on Friday together?"

I nodded. "Sounds good."

In the end, they had the dinner without me because I had an emergency patient. And by the time I was done, it was almost nine.

I told her I would take her out for a nice meal on her actual day.

I was thinking where to take her for lunch or dinner when Jong Woon text me.

KJW: I will be having an event at Cafe Armoire tomorrow

Me: Oh?

KJW: With Eunhyuk.. He's going to be doing his YT video.. I'll take it as a promotion for the cafe and my album too lol

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