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She was also very surprised to see me. But worry supersedes surprise. Her brows furrowed up with worry on her beautiful face. I always thought she was quite beautiful.

"I believe the nurse has already briefed you," I began.

Instead, she grabbed my hands. "You must save your father!" She began to sob.

Nurse Jin was shocked. She had no idea.

"I will do my best," I promised. "Meanwhile, please follow the nurse to sign the relevant papers."

She nodded as she wiped the tears off her face. "How long will the operation take?"

"I can't tell at this moment. But you will be updated later. I should go now," I told her.

"Yes please."

"Nurse, please take her for the necessary documents."

Nurse Jin nodded and led her away while I headed for the OT.

My heart was thumping wildly but I know that once I was inside, I would be hundred percent concentrated on what I had to do.

I quickly scrubbed in. There was no time to waste. Even second counts.

The op assistants were all ready and waiting for me when I stepped in.

"Dr Lee," they greeted me.

"How is the BP?"

"Unstable and dipping."

Not good.

"Did he had a cardiac arrest?"

"Yes, twenty five minutes ago on the ambulance."

Not good at all.

As I checked, I saw the regurgitation of blood through the valves which was causing backflow.

I ordered for blood to be on standby.

After two hours of surgery, I managed to perform a surgical repair. But it would not hold for too long. He would need to go for a valve replacement. Actually, the best was to do it now because he was already in surgery. Now I closed up his wound, but later it would have to be opened up again. That would be more damaging to him. However, I wasn't his primary doctor and I didn't know his medical treatment plan. I couldn't risk replacing his heart valve.

His wife was waiting anxiously outside the OT.

It was almost three am.

She looked at me anxiously.

"He had a rupture of his valve causing regurgitation, means, blood is flowing backwards into the heart chamber instead of out. I have done a temporary surgical repair for now. But we should discuss for a valve replacement as a more permanent treatment -"

"That's what Dr Seo said but he refused to do it."

"So, you are aware of his condition.." And he never mentioned to me. Nor did Dr Seo.

She bit on her lip and nodded.

"Anyway, I will leave it to you to discuss with Dr Seo since he's the primary doctor. I will discuss with him as well. Meantime, he will be sent to the ICU under observation."

"Will he wake up..?"

"After the anaethesia wears off," I replied. "Probably in the morning," I looked at my watch. "In another five or six hours. You should go home and get some rest and return later."

She simply nodded.

I returned to my office. I was tired but I was more angry than tired. Why did he not mention it to me? I understand why he did not come to me. Usually, if we could help it, we do not handle our own family members especially immediate family members. But why did Dr Seo not mention it to me? I was pissed off at him.

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