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Our flight was on Monday early morning to reach Tokyo on early Tuesday morning. Yesung told me we would be the first to arrive in Tokyo. The rest would be coming on Wednesday, Siwon on Thursday after his event in Indonesia and Kyuhyun on Friday after his event as well.

I ever asked Yesung if he felt upset that his band mates had more events than him. He said though he had his share of his own events as well, yes, he did sometimes felt insecure and upset that he wasn't getting enough gigs as the rest. That was why he was always trying so hard to do something, like his new Youtube channel, working on new songs, collaborations, but he wasn't getting enough work like he wanted to. So he grudgingly joked that he was the poorest in the group.

The family gave us a good farewell on Sunday night. Tessa's family was also heading back home, back to work and back to school for little Scott.

When I hugged Grandma, I thought I felt a little pat on my back.

Chris woke up in the wee hours to drive us to the airport though we said we could get a car. But he insisted.

"I don't know when I'll see you again," he hugged me. "But do remember to invite me to your wedding!" I translated it to Yesung and Yesung grinned and gave him a fist bump.

We walked in hand in hand. Here we didn't have to worry about the paparazzi or the fans. They were hardly any people around at this time.

This was our first time traveling together side by side. We had traveled on the same flight together before, to London, our first trip together. But this time, we were in the same business class, side by side.

The air stewardess obviously recognised him. She kept coming around, with the excuse to check if he needed anything.

And to my surprise, she recognised me too, as Yesung's girlfriend. She was surprised to know that I'm a doctor though. She came up to me to do the usual medical doctor verification and I could see from her face that she was, kind of impressed. Guess the doctor part of me didn't make it into the gossips. Strange, then how did they know to stalk me at the hospital.. maybe they assumed I was some admin staff working in the hospital. She was even more impressed that I was actually a cardiosurgeon.

I was surprised that she was quite friendly to me, maybe she was just being professional doing her job.

"Thank you," I thanked her when she served me my drink. And she smiled widely back to me. I give that she might just be in her mid twenties.

During the flight, if we were awake, Yesung would reach over and squeeze my hand. I'm not sure if he did sleep. When I woke up, he was up and watching some movie. I didn't see him slept at all. When I asked him, he said he did.

We finally arrived after almost eighteen hours of flight.

As we disembarked, the same air stewardess greeted us at the door and she said to me, "You two look very good together. All the best to you."

"Oh, thank you," I blushed. Yesung grinned as he put his hand on my back to gently nudge me on.

"I suppose there will be someone to pick you up?" I asked.

He nodded. "My manager is here already," he was just checking his phone and replying on a message as soon as he touched down.

As soon as we stepped out from the gate, a crowd of girls started following him, with their phones videoing.

I pulled back from him, a distance behind him. I was thinking maybe it was better to keep a distance between us.

He noticed that I was lagging behind, he came around and pulled me in nearer to him.

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