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Chuseok was one of the busiest period within the country for domestic travel. A lot of people travel into the provinces to visit their families, especially their grandparents.

Danli went away. Sunjae went away. Even Jong Woon went away. Only Hae-e and I were still here. So I went to visit Hae-e's family shop. They owned a banchan shop. Just as she was a regular face to Grandma, I was no stranger to her family. Her mom was the lady boss. She had a autism uncle who was very funny at times. And there was an aunty who was her mom's best friend, who helped out at the shop. The story was, Hae-e's mom used to be a national volleyball player until she had Hae-e. Hae-e's father was based in Philippines because he had business there.

I thought Hae-e's mom was very superb because she raised Hae-e by herself and she still had to manage her shop which everything was cooked by her, as well as a dependent brother. I didn't say anything but I wonder if her dad was like mine...

But the family seemed very happy and they always welcomed me warmly.

"Hyo-ri is here!" Uncle announced.

"Hello Uncle. Hello Aunty," I greeted Hae-e's mom.

"Hi Hyo-ri. Hae-e! Hyo-ri is here!" She shouted. Like our house, her room was upstairs.

Hyo-ri's footsteps could be heard as she ran down.

"Hey Hyo-ri!"

"Everybody's gone visiting, isn't it?" her mom said. "Even business had dropped..."

Hae-e and I went out to the cafe next door. The cafe next door served very good coffee and cakes, though I don't drink coffee. She had brought along her maths work and planned to do some revision with me.

"Have you thought of what you want to study in SNU?" She asked.

I chuckled. "I must first get into SNU."

"You will. Even Mr Go is sure of it."

"Unless I screw up during the CSAT," I laughed.

"So... med school for you?"


"Really?" her eyes widened in surprise. "I was just throwing it out randomly. But I think you can. Why not?"

"Haha. Actually, during my Grandma's visits to the hospital, I was very touched by the doctors' work. The nurses as well. I find that it's a noble job. To help and save people. And to see the relieved faces of the patients and their family members afterwards. I think it is very satisfactory."

She nodded. "It is. It is a noble job. That's why we call them the Angels in white."

"Well, it's just a thought. I haven't confirmed anything yet."

"Go for it," she encouraged.

I helped her with a few maths questions and even one from her cram school, as well as some science questions while she helped me with history. Actually, history was just memorising. But my memory sucked. So I had to draw charts and diagrams to make myself remember.

"Is Kim Jong Woon really not sitting for CSAT?"

He was the only person not sitting for it. He was very sure of it and he didn't want to waste the money to sit for it for 'just in case'.

I nodded with a shrug. "Yea."

"But he's really a good singer."

I nodded in agreement.

"So are you," she chuckled. "You two blew our minds away with your duet."

I blushed. "Thanks.."

We continued our revision and afterwards she invited me over for dinner. I didn't want to leave Grandma alone for dinner so I excused myself.

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