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I felt like I was back to high school, like an excited teenager. I actually counted down the days until they come. I ticked off my calendar dates day by day.

Perhaps it was him who got me excited. Because he texted me everyday with the count down. Idiot.

I somewhat mentioned to Chris that two friends of mine would be coming to stay and straightaway he was like, "Your boyfriend is coming?" Eh.. I didn't affirm it neither did I refute his claim. I probably have to prewarn Jong Woon first..

With Nick's help, I went to rent a car. It was a simple Toyota SUV, good for three and sightseeing. I had not really planned for any itinerary. I was sure the guys must had done their research. I would just be their driver. Oh well, we could take turns to drive since it was on the same side and it wasn't that difficult to drive here. Much better than Seoul.

On the day of their arrival, I rose up bright early to get ready and drove to the airport an hour earlier just in case, though I had reconfirmed their arrival time before I left.

I waited at the gate nervously.

How long had we not met? About five months. That wasn't too long, to be honest. And we just had a videocall yesterday. But videocalls were not the same.

My fingers were chilled and I kept biting on my lower lip, an indication of my nervousness.

Finally, I saw that their flight had landed. I waited anxiously, trying to calm myself down. It would take some time to clear immigrations, retrieve the bags and get out here.

It was almost another thirty minutes before people started walking out. I kept my eyes on the gate almost without blinking.

Then, there they were. I saw Jongjin first. I beamed. He saw me first before his brother and he waved to be excitedly. Jong Woon was looking like a fashion icon as usual. Actually, Jongjin too.

"Noona!" Jongjin greeted me and very naturally we hugged.

When we separated, I looked up to Jong Woon. He was looking at me with his small eyes. That's all I saw because he was wearing a face mask as usual.

He hugged me first.

I had forgotten how it felt like to hug him.

Bony as ever. Jeez..

"Welcome," I beamed at them.

"It's warm," Jongjin remarked.

"Ya, it's summer now," I said.

I took them to the car and Jong Woon asked, "You have a car here? I thought you said your apartment was near the hospital.."

"I rented this car for these two weeks. I thought it would be easier to travel around."

"Are you safe?" he teased.

"I'll try my best," I promised.

Jong Woon sat upnat the front passenger seat beside me while Jongjin sat at the back, making me very nervous indeed.

"Is the aircon okay?" I asked.

"We're good," Jong Woon answered. Actually I should call him Kang hoon now because he recently changed his name. His mom had insisted to change his name..

"So, before I forget, do I have to call you Kang hoon now?"

Jongjin at the back chuckled.

"Up to you," he shrugged.

"I'm not used to it," I said.

"Neither am I," he admitted. "When the immigrations asked me for my name verification, I kept forgetting."

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