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We didn't meet up for the rest of the week. But someone unexpected turned up instead. His mom. And his younger brother.

I was picking up trays of rice cakes from the kitchen to the front when they turned up.

I didn't recognise her of course, because I had never met them before
But I did thought that she looked strangely familiar.

"Hi, I'm Jong Woon's mother," she introduced herself. "Thank you for the tteokbokki the last time. It was very delicious." No wonder I found her familiar. Because Jong Woon looked like her.

"I loved it," the little boy added shyly.

The mother smiled as she ruffled her son's hair.

"You are very welcome," Grandma beamed.

"So, today, we came down to buy more."

"Sure!" And Grandma happily scooped up a big bowl.

"Hi," I said. "I'm Hyo-ri. I'm classmates with Jong Woon."

"Big brother said you are super smart," the brother piped.

"Oh..." I blushed. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Kim Jong Jin."

"Hi Jong Jin."

"How is Jong Woon in class? I hope he's not misbehaving himself," the mom said.

I wondered if his mom was aware about his trainee thing..

"He's not," I assured her.

Grandma handed her a big bowl of tteokbokki but charged her at a discounted rate. Sometimes, I wondered how Grandma earned her profits because she kept giving out discounts. She would always say, sometimes, it's not about making profits, it was about making relationships.

But Mrs Kim insisted to pay the full price because she saw the price list.

In the end, Grandma gave in and took it graciously.

I texted him afterwards.

Me: I saw your mom and your little brother.

KJW: How did you know it's my mom?

Me: She introduced herself.

KJW: Oh..

Me: She came and bought Grandma's tteokbokki.

KJW: Oh... ya, they loved it very much.

Me: Your little brother is very cute.

KJW: Is he? He's a brat.

Me: Haha. I wish I had a sibling.

KJW: They are not as fun as you think.

Me: Hmm..

KJW: How was your day?

Me: Okay. I was helping out at the shop. You?

KJW: I had practice today.

Me: Does your mom knows about your trainee thing?

KJW: She was the one who signed me up.

Me: Oh...

Wow, his mom actually wanted him to be a star?

KJW: I need to go and run an errand.. I'll see you on Monday.

Me: See you.

* * *

On Monday morning, I was never more excited to go to school.

I woke up earlier than ever. Even Grandma was surprised.

She usually got up at six. I would get up at quarter to seven.

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