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One month had passed. Chris and I became fast friends, plus Bess downstairs. I found out that Chris was thirty one and Bess was seventy. Bess had a son but he had moved to Vancouver with his wife and daughter to work. They only visit once a year. She did not want to join them because she liked it here. It was quiet and peaceful and she had a community of friends here. During the day, she would walk to the community centre for the elders, which was just five blocks away. She said that it was good exercise for her 'old' legs. She loved to bake and often shared her makes with me and Chris. I joked that we would get fat very soon by her bakes. Once I even suggested that she opens a business, either shopfront or via home baking. She said she wasn't good enough. She only baked for us and her elderly friends. She didn't seem lonely or sad at all, that her family wasn't here. Maybe she did but she was not showing it.

And in return, Chris cooked for Bess and me whenever he was available. He dare say he can cook almost every cuisine, except Korean which he couldn't quite get the taste and had to 'consult' me. Sometimes we'd invite Nick and a couple of others from the hospital. I've invited Sally and Vanessa as well. But these days, Vanessa's boyfriend was in town so she had her own plans.

Work at the lab was progressing well. Actually we are trying to study a new cure and a new procedure so we had been practising on dummies as well.

After since that emergency op, they realised that they were indeed short on cardiosurgeons especially when one goes on leave, so they asked if I could stand in as and whenever which I was most willing to. So now, on top of Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoons, I stepped in whenever I was needed, which wasn't a lot anyway. I still get the weekends off.

I had also started working on my thesis which was part of my research work. I estimated at this rate, I might be able to complete in a year or so. I probably won't need two years. I can't wait to get back to Seoul but yet I was slowly getting used to the life here. I didn't want to get used to life here because I do eventually want to return to Seoul. Maybe when I get back, I can suggest some changes to make better our work life balance..

"Can you get those plates?" Chris said as I helped to serve the dishes. We had Nick and Lorraine over for dinner tonight. Lorraine works in the pharmacy. I'm surprised everybody seems to know everybody in the hospital despite so many people.

"You guys look like a couple," Lorraine teased.

"Huh?" Both Chris and I stopped for a moment, stumped by her comment.

Nick chuckled. "Now that you mention it, they do look like one."

"Jeez..." I rolled my eyes and ignored them. The last thing I need was another rumour or scandal or love interest now. I just want to complete my professorship in one piece.

Chris just chuckled as he continued serving the pasta.

We had a good time chatting over dinner. Outside the hospital, we tried not to talk about work. We talked about food, the latest movies, the newest cafes or any other good spots. Easter was coming and Lorraine was excited because she had planned to spend it with her parents and sister's family back in Vancouver. She was telling me I should visit.

"It's very different. And there's so much to see."

"I haven't even finish exploring here," I laughed.

Nick was going to spend it with his boyfriend. I had met him once. Adam, I think, his name. He owned a bookstore downtown.

I thought it was a pity for the girls because both of them were such good looking guys.. oops.

I thought Chris might go home too but he said he was on duty this Easter. But he would get Christmas off, so he might go home then.

As for me, I'm not going anyway.

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