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"Did I hear wrongly? You have a date tonight?" Mandy exclaimed.

Kevin who happened to walk past, stopped and asked in surprise, "Who has a date tonight?"

I groaned. "It is not a date. I just have a dinner appointment."

Mandy was asking me out for dinner after work and I told her I had a dinner appointment already.

"With who?" she piped.

I raised an eyebrow. None of your business, honestly.. I was getting a little irritated by her questioning me my everything.

"A friend?" I piped.

I guess she sensed my irritation so she backed off.

"Oh - okay.. I guess I wasn't expecting that.." she shrugged. "I guess I will have to settle dinner by myself."

Kevin chuckled. "For the first time, I think you are being stood up."

"Hey," I protested. "Technically I didn't stood her up. I didn't even agree to meet her.."

Kevin laughed out loud.

Mandy rolled her eyes.

"Anyway," Mandy said as she got up to her feet. "Enjoy your dinner while I'll enjoy mine." I raised my eyebrow at her. "I mean it," she said sincerely. "Have a good dinner. I'll see you on Monday."

"You are not coming in tomorrow?" I asked her.

She shook her head as she walked away, "Nope! Ciao!"

"Jeez..." Kevin laughed.

"Are you not leaving yet?" I asked him. It was almost six.

"Going to. What about you? I thought you have a dinner appointment?"

"Trying to finish up some reports before I leave."

In the end, I ran into him at the main entrance. He was going to his car while I was waiting for Jong Woon.

I waved good bye to him when I saw a familiar black sedan driving up.

He didn't have to wind down his window for me to know it's him.

"Hey," I greeted him when I opened the door.

"Hey," he grinned back to me.

I got in. He waited for me to belt up before he started driving.

"Sorry, I'm late," he said. "Did you wait long?"

"No - not at all. I was finishing up some reports," I said. "So the timing is just right."


"By the way, I didn't get your parents anything.. I didn't have time to get anything and the only gift shop in the hospital sells get-well hampers which I don't think is appropriate.."

"Oh - don't worry about that. You don't have too."

"But I shouldn't go empty handed.. Is there a flower shop near your place where I can buy some flowers?"

"It's really okay," he said. "She's more than happy to see you, flowers no flowers," Then he added, "Remember what I said last time, about what my mom might do."

"Oh - okay.." I said. I swallowed nervously. It's been some time since I've 'drilled' by some parent.

He turned into his basement carpark. There was no need for him to even stop since the security guard recognised his car.

After we got out, he locked his car and we went into the elevator.

"Are you nervous?" he teased as he looked at me.

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