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It had been a busy week since I returned from Myanmar.

There had been a few emergency cases and all required emergency surgeries. I spent more time in OT than in my office.

I was taking a break in the gardens when Kevin came to join me.

It was almost nine pm. Other than the night shift staff, there were nobody else in the garden, which made it especially quiet and peaceful. Sometimes, when I was on night duty, I would specially come to the garden and sit for a while, to refresh my mind.

"Are you on duty tonight?" he asked as he sat down beside me.

I shook my head. "Long day."

"What are you still doing here when you can already be home?"

I smiled. "I need to catch my breath."

"Are you working tomorrow?"

"Thank goodness no." I didn't have to cover weekend duty this weekend. I could finally visit Grandma. It had been long overdue..

"Going to Seongnam?"

"Ya. It's been weeks since I've gone back."

"What time do you plan to leave?"

"Hmm.. after lunch I suppose. Why?"

"If you can wait for me, I'd like to go with you."

"Eh? Why?"

"Can't I visit Grandma? Besides, I missed her tteokbokki."

I grinned. "She would love to see you too."

So we agreed to meet at the train station at four pm. That gave me some time to stock up my groceries too. I had ran out of fruits and yoghurt and eggs.

When I was at the supermart, I saw an ad with Choi Siwon and it reminded me of Jong Woon.

He was doing a concert in Osaka this weekend. He had sent some morning pictures this morning. That's what he would do these days, when he traveled. Maybe he thought it might cheer me up or something. I had no pictures to offer in return except a smiley face. Other than pictures, we didn't really talk much because we were so busy with our work.

Kevin was already there when I arrived.

"Sorry! Have you waited long?" I apologised.

"I just arrived as well," he grinned back.

We caught the four-twenty train. On the train, we chatted about my recent Myanmar trip. Of course, I didn't mention about Jong Woon.

Grandma was very happy to see him. But then again, she was always happy to see my friends, any one of them, especially guys. She gave him an extra large helping.

We went for a walk after that. It was a mistake because it poured down suddenly and the only shelter was a telephone booth and the two of us had to squeeze into it. And the air circulation was bad.

As we waited out for the rain, he suddenly brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear for me.

"Thanks.." I mumbled, feeling awkward.

I don't have any romantic feelings towards him especially when I know he likes Mandy.

But, why would he do such an affectionate gesture puzzled me.

The rain finally stopped and I got out of the telephone booth in relief.

We returned back to the house just in time for dinner. I was surprised after that earlier serving of tteokbokki, he was still able to eat dinner..

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