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I looked at him. Then I chuckled. How can I not laugh at his honesty and common sense? While I had none, he was at least, still sensible. Oh god, I love him even more for it. 

"What...?" he gave me a puzzled look.

"Nothing," I smiled. "I'm just amused by you."

"What.. Wait, let me get up," he said as he sat up, helping me up as well. I could see that he was feeling very uncomfortable - with that hard-on. Poor thing. 

"Why are you amused?" he asked once we were both up. 

"Most guys would probably just go it. But - you thought of a condom," I laughed. 

"That's because they are stupid," he said. "Literally thinking with their dicks - sorry..." 

I laughed again. 

"I mean, sex is one thing but family planning is another. If you don't intend to have a baby, then make sure you play it safe," he retorted before he calmed down. "I mean, it's not that I don't want a baby with you - I'd love to build a family with you - but we need to have a proper discussion about this. Until I'm very sure this is also what you want, we shouldn't be doing things that will have negative consequences. I've seen couples landing in ugly arguments because of this mistake. I mean, the couple was like madly in love, and then overnight become enemies. I don't want that to happen to us. Even if - even if things do end between us," he said quietly. "I want to do it amicably. I want us to remain as friends, not enemies."

I squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back. 

"Same," I said. "That's what I want too."

"Of course, it took us so long to get back together, I'm not going to let you go so easily!" he said. 

I chuckled again. Me too, me too. 

Anyway - "What are you going to do now?" I asked him.

"About what?" 

I teased with a cheeky grin as I looked down his bulge. 

"Jeez!" He covered it with his hands. "Can you don't look? It's embarrassing!"

"Haha - sorry - part of my job." 

He narrowed his eyes. "I thought you are a cardiologist? What has this got to do with your job?" 

"Well, it's still a human anatomy," I shrugged. 

"Jeez... at times like this, I wish you were not a doctor." 

"Maybe you should take a shower," I suggested. "A cold shower. Unless -"


"You want to go down to the convenience store to get what you need to finish what we were doing," I blushed. 

"Jeez! You really are not embarrassed eh?" 

"I am! But... I kind of - would like to continue..." But I must admit I lost all the drive. 

"Gosh!" he blushed. "But - I can't be buying -"

"Okay, forget it - anyway I think we lost the moment, hahaha. Go and take a shower. I can lend you a towel," I said as I got up. 

He still sat down awkwardly. I looked down at him.

"Don't look!" he groaned as he blushed. "You're going to be the death of me.."

"Haha!" I laughed as I left him be and went to my room to grab a towel for him.

He grabbed the towel and hobbled to my bathroom while I went to make some tea. I suppose tea would be good at this time? It was such a hot day so I added ice.

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