k.th ↠ feeling's mutual

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Author's Note:

★ Taehyung x Reader

★ c. 10,000 words

★ enemies to lovers

★ mature content warning


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"It's not in my vocabulary

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"It's not in my vocabulary. I'm perfect."

- Kim Taehyung


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"Hey look, it's Kookie and Tae!" Hobi exclaims in surprise.

You turn to see Jungkook entering the lecture hall with his best friend. He looks extremely handsome in an all-black tracksuit, and you internally curse whatever gods are up there for making this man so effortlessly attractive.

He hops up the steps to where you are sitting with Hobi and Jimin, pulling Hobi into a side hug, before sidling into the row below you.

"Hey, guys!" He says warmly, a huge bunny smile illuminating his features as he sets his backpack down. God damn, he's so cute.

He's obviously gotten ready in a rush, but somehow this makes him more endearing, with mussed raven hair and sleepy crinkles in his eyes.

He catches your eye, and your stomach flips.

Get a grip! You mentally admonish yourself. You're twenty one, not twelve. He's just a boy.

But see the thing is, he's not just a boy.

He's adorable, and hilarious, and ridiculously ripped for a film major. You've been his friend for three years, but you've always had a soft spot for him.

And, recently, you've become more certain that he has a crush on you too.

It's the way he looks at you - he always lingers for just a second too long, always finds you at a party, always finds a reason to touch you.

Maybe you're overthinking it - overthinking is your superpower. But even Hobi has noticed it, which can only mean that you're doing something right.

There's just one teensy, tiny problem.

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