k.nj ↠ ...daddy?

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Author's Note

Namjoon (RM) x Reader

★ Ready and waiting for Namjoon to arrive for your romantic Swiss getaway, you have a drastic realisation when you crave sugar like crazy. Suddenly, you have to decide which is worse - being pregnant with your boyfriend's baby, or having to tell him when he turns up tomorrow?

c. 4,000 words

mature content warning

no daddy nicknames involved i promise


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"Look at these baby shoes I bought, aren't they cute?"

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"Look at these baby shoes I bought, aren't they cute?"

- Kim Namjoon


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"Dude, Switzerland is so nice. Why have we never been to Switzerland together?" you questioned your best friend, Rina, as you stared out at the Alps from your chalet window.

"Umm... probably because every time we try to organise a holiday, you lose your passport?" she retorted over FaceTime. You watched her as she moved up into downward dog pose. Literally the only time Rina had to talk was during her yoga sessions - she was a kick-ass career bitch, but that came at a price.

"Besides I can't afford to go on a luxury break to Basel, bitch," she continued, stretching out her back. "I don't have a bazillionaire boyfriend."

"He's not a bazillionaire," you rolled your eyes. She snorted.

"Yeah, right - what did he buy you for your birthday last month?"

You didn't respond, just took a mouthful of cereal.

"Yeah, exactly," she moved into warrior pose. "You're fucking standing in it right now."

Okay, it was true. You were lucky to have a boyfriend as generous as Namjoon. Neither of you asked for a lot - normally you got each other small gifts that you knew meant a lot to each other, like a book the other has wanted for a long time, or a weekend trip to some gallery or museum. Something meaningful. You didn't rely on him for money or housing - you made plenty on your own.

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