ot7 ↠ demon slayer

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Author's Note:

OT7 x Reader [tae-focused]

10,000 words

in which you're sent to slay a demon, but things go a little wrong when he takes a liking to you.

mature content warning

[tw: dubious consent (bc they are demons who can control ur mind lol), b*ndage, spanking, c*ckwarming, rough sex]

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"I'm here to save you, I'm here to ruin you

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"I'm here to save you, I'm here to ruin you."

- Kim Taehyung, Pied Piper


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He was here. You could sense him.

Silent as a mouse, you crept stealthily into the room, inching further into the dilapidated mansion. The house had clearly been empty for years, the evidence of decay hanging in the foul smelling air; but you could still pick up that distinguishable scent of a demon.

Since you were young, you knew you had the gift. Whenever evil was nearby, the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end; your nose lifted like a bloodhound sensing fresh meat.

Hunting demons was your life's work.

Over the past ten years since you came of age, you had slain more demons than you cared to remember. The problem was there just seemed to be so darn many of them - and the devil wasn't against making more when he had to. Often, it felt like trying to roll a boulder up a hill, only to be pushed back down again by his cruel, teasing hand.

But no matter. You were doing your duty.

And tonight... you were going to slay the greatest demon of all.

Gripping your silver dagger tight in one arm, you trusted your instincts, which told you to head for the abandoned mezzanine above the grand staircase. The stairs creaked a little, but to anyone else listening in, they would hopefully blend in to the normal groanings of this old and abandoned place.

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