k.nj ↠ exhibit

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here it is again. my fave story i've ever written.

enjoy bagel buns 💜 




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Author's Note

Namjoon (RM) x Reader

c. 7,000 words

in which you paint the man of your dreams, not realising that he would one day visit your art gallery.

warnings: language, smut


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"The artworks

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"The artworks... I feel like they're watching me."

- Kim Namjoon


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No matter how hard you tried, you never could paint faces.

It was like a mental block. Given a lush landscape, or some still life object, or even just a memory, the paintbrush moved across the canvas like air.

But faces? No.

All through art school it had plagued you, failing every portraiture class you took. Young, old, relative, friend, stranger - it didn't matter. All of the faces felt bland and lifeless as you etched them onto paper.

You thought maybe it was because of the intimacy of faces. For you, faces are like a map of the soul; every creased corner of a mouth holds a secret, or a hidden laugh, or an unused kiss ready to be pressed to someone else. Every wrinkle holds heartbreak or worry, ready to etch itself further across a face as it grew older and less carefree. Every set of eyes was simply a portal to another universe, the myriad colours dancing in a performance of memory and experience that was too difficult to capture with acrylics and canvas.

And so you didn't. You didn't feel capable, didn't feel worthy enough of capturing someone's soul on paper. You didn't draw faces, and that was that.

So why were you itching to do so, right now?

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