k.th ↠ trouble in paradise

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this fic deals with the issue of body dysmorphia. Please tread carefully if this is an issue you struggle to read about. If you need help with any of the issues mentioned, please reach out and I can direct you to the mental health resources available in your country.

it's also worth saying that I do not have body dysmorphia. i did a lot of research for this fic but please, if at any point i am representing it inaccurately, let me know.

thanks bagel buns <3


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Author's Note:

Taehyung x Reader

c. 12,000 words

best friends to lovers

in which a friends trip to Jeju Island reveals more about yourself and your best friend Taehyung than you had ever expected.

tw: language, smut, body dysmorphia

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   "How could I know, one day I'd wake up feeling more?"

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"How could I know, one day I'd wake up feeling more?"

- Taehyung, 'Sweet Night'

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"Jimin, would you hurry up please? The flight is closing."

Jimin dismissed you with the roll of his eyes and a flick of his wrist. "Yeah, yeah. No plane leaves without Park Jimin on it."

"I seriously doubt that's true," you muttered under your breath, trailing behind him as he continued to peruse the aisles of snacks at the airport shop. "Besides, do you really need snacks? It's literally a two hour journey."

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