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for godisaconcept13

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Author's Note:

Jimin x Reader

12,000 words

in which your brother brings a new friend to family Christmas.

mature content warning

LOTS OF ANGST (enjoy the pain)


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"Right here beside you, I'm still walking wherever you go

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"Right here beside you, I'm still walking wherever you go."

- Park Jimin, With You


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note: there is very very very minor Jungkook-being-an-asshole in this story. he is not a bad guy, just a flawed, realistic character. i love Jungkookie irl with all my heart, he is my perfect baby angel kookie, and this story in no way reflects who he is as a person.

ok enjoy 💜 


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"Sweetheart! Come down here, your brother's home!"

You grinned at your father's voice, brushing your hair back as you zipped up the back of your dress.

It was Christmas Eve.

In your opinion, it was the best day of the year. Not because of the festive season - although you did love Christmas - but because it was the day your twin brother came home from school.

Just like you, Taehyung went to boarding school, although his was boys-only, in the rural countryside, whereas your girls school was here in the city. It meant you always came home for the holidays first, idling the few days away in the dull silence of your room until he would finally arrive, and the fun could begin. You were glad that both of you were graduating this year; when you finally went to university, the two of you could see much more of each other.

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