j.hs ↠ devil in disguise

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dedicated to Hobi_sprite94

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Author's Note:

Hoseok (J-Hope) x Reader

in which a charming mafia boss makes you an offer you can't refuse.

10,000 words

mature content warning


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"Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale

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"Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale..."

- Jung Hoseok, More


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"What can I get you?"

"Three shots of tequila and your number, sweetheart."

You rolled your eyes at what felt like the four thousandth sleazy drunk guy you'd dealt with that evening, and set about pouring the shots. It was nearly midnight on a Saturday, and Aquaria was heaving with people - mainly guys who were looking to take a girl home, even if she was behind the bar.

As you passed the shots over and took cash from the man, you ignored his extremely un-subtle glances down your black v-neck t-shirt, handing over his change with a sigh of relief when he finally stumbled away and was swallowed by the crowd. A low chuckle sounded next to you and you turned to see Jimin, another bartender, watching you in amusement as he rattled a cocktail shaker.

"Don't know how you put up with it," he shouted over the pulse of heavy music, grinning cheekily as his eyes disappeared into half moons. "The guys in here can't get enough of you."

"You're one to talk," you shouted back, watching as the customer Jimin was serving ran his eyes over him appreciatively. Jimin simply ran a hand through his ash blonde hair and smirked, knowing full well the effect he had on men and women alike.

"Can't help it if I'm sexy," he quipped back, winking at the customer across the bar as he pushed the shaken cocktails into his hands. "They're on the house, handsome."

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