m.yg ↠ fate's design

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for thescarletkiss

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Author's Note:

Yoongi x Reader

12,000 words

in which he looks familiar... have you met before?

mature content warning


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"because you are my stars and my universe, these hardships are just temporary

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"because you are my stars and my universe, these hardships are just temporary."

- Min Yoongi, My Universe


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"But Joon-"

"No arguments," Namjoon said in his deep voice, which you knew he only put on when he was serious. That, and his clenched jaw, told you there would be no opportunity to negotiate this.

You sighed deeply at your friend and boss. "Okay, fine," you relented. "But I'm taking Jungkook."

Namjoon waved his hand in concession, grinning a little at the thought of his favourite trainee. "If you must."

When he returned to his computer, typing furiously and barely seeming to register your presence, you realised this was your cue to leave.

"Woah, why the long face?" Jungkook grinned as you left Namjoon's office, moving along the corridor at pace. He fell into step beside you. "Trouble in paradise?"

You rolled your eyes at Jungkook's insinuation about you and Namjoon. "No. Just gotta go back to my least favourite place, once again."

Jungkook smiled in amusement. "Ah, the good old Original Timeline. Sucks for you, sweetheart."

You stopped, turning to him with a wry look, and the smile dropped from his face.

"No, you didn't rope me into it too, did you?" he whined, stomping a boot-covered foot petulantly. "Why do you always do this?"

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