j.hs ↠ captain jung

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for angylaqueen

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Author's Note:

captain!Hoseok x pirate!Reader

17,000 words

in which you, a wannabe swashbuckler, manage to stow away on the ship of the most notorious captain on the high seas. just one tiny problem - you're a woman.

big thanks to everyone who suggested a name for Hobi's ship, I have made a mashup of a couple of your suggestions to make the real one lol

mature content warning


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"Setting the fire is something I did for myself

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"Setting the fire is something I did for myself. Who knew the world would go up in flames."

- Jung Hoseok, Arson


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Being a woman is a losing game.

That was what you were thinking, as you sat at the bar of a sketchy tavern in the Jamaican shipping town of Port Royal, sipping dark rum and wondering why you couldn't have been born a man. It would have made life so much easier. For instance, if you were a man, you could sit here and drink your rum in peace, rather than having to pull your dark purple velvet cloak up around your face to disguise your true identity.

If the men in here knew a woman was among them...

Well. Let's just say things would get very rowdy, very quickly.

Safe to say, this was the last place in the Caribbean you'd ever expected to find yourself. But after the events of that afternoon, you'd had to get out. There had been no reasoning with your father, and - again, because you were a woman - you were expected to simply take his word as law.

Sorry dad, you thought, sipping your rum once more and wincing as it burned your throat. But I'm making my own laws from now on.

You glanced around at your present company. Whereas a cloaked figure at a bar might draw attention in other establishments, this was not one of those places. Indeed, there were various hooded men sitting around the bar, drinking sullenly or conducting business in dark corners. Every man's reason for wanting to remain anonymous was different, but you suspected all of their faces were on the English privateers' most wanted list here in Port Royal.

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