p.jm ↠ ten years

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Author's Note

Jimin x female!Reader

c. 14,000 words

★ Best friends for life, you and Park Jimin make a deal on your high school graduation day to meet every year at the same time, in the same place. But life has other plans.

mature content warning

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"When the universe was first made, everything had been decided

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"When the universe was first made, everything had been decided. Just let me love you."

- Park Jimin

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Park Jimin belonged among the stars.

That was the first thought that came to her as she pushed open the clunky rooftop door, the rush of cold air enveloping her. He was turned away, the restless winds making enough noise to disguise her approach.

And he truly did look as though he belonged there, against the backdrop of Busan's night sky, bejewelled with twinkling stars. He was dressed in a midnight-black tuxedo, dark hair slicked and shining, his profile like a beautiful collection of brush strokes on canvas.

Her heart tugged in a tiny burst of admiration. That's my best friend.

"Hiding from me?"

He whipped around at her voice, eyes wide, clearly not expecting anyone else up on the isolated hotel rooftop. His face broke into a smile of recognition.

"Well... maybe I just didn't want to be blinded by your outfit."

She grinned, clearly not taking this as an insult. It was the last day of high school, after all; sure, her graduation dress was a little showy, but she wanted to go out on a high.

"The one day I put on a pretty dress, and you can't even say something nice to me, Park?"

His eyes crinkled into his trademark half-moons. "Do I seriously need to tell you that you look beautiful?"

"No," she rolled her eyes, but a light blush dusted her cheeks nonetheless. "But it'd be nice if you would from time to time."

She had joined him at the railing now, and they turned outwards, shoulders brushing, admiring the skyline. The quiet was comfortable, something the pair had enjoyed for years now - even with the noises of the city, and the music from their prom thumping on the floor below, there was a stillness that came over her when she was with Jimin.

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