p.jm ↠ undead

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for onyx-ya

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Author's Note:

vampire!Jimin x Reader

15,000 words

in which everything changes one day when you find out your friend is a vampire.

mature content warning


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"Going insane to stay sane."

- Park Jimin, Set Me Free Pt. 2


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It was the middle of January, the cold biting and sharp as knives, when you opened your front door and found your best friend drinking blood on the living room floor.

You froze.


Jungkook turned from his seat on the floor, his feet tucked under his butt in the adorable way he usually sat. His big doe eyes went even wider than normal as he spotted you, dropping the hospital blood bag he clutched between his fingers as his lips parted in surprise. A tiny smudge of red was painted across the corner of his mouth.

"Um..." he began shakily, not moving from his position. "I... c-can explain?"

You eyed him from the doorway, keys dangling from your still frozen hand. "Is the explanation that you're a vampire?"

Jungkook seemed to contemplate lying, but knew it was probably not worth it. You knew him too well to know when he was lying, having lived with him for a year.

Besides, the fangs protruding from beneath his upper lip sort of gave it away.

"Y-yes," he managed eventually, averting his eyes and hanging his shoulders, as if he were ashamed. "I'm sorry."

The apology felt a little ridiculous, in all honesty. 'Sorry' didn't really cover your best friend from university, who you shared absolutely everything with, including an apartment, turning out to be a blood-sucking supernatural being.

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