k.nj ↠ bookworm

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Author's Note

★ Namjoon (RM) x Reader

★ c. 8,000 words

★ university au

★ mainly fluff, just a cute fun one


p.s. - all the books mentioned are books Namjoon has read or recommended over the years! 💜


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"I'm the type of person who dives right in once I get intrigued by something

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"I'm the type of person who dives right in once I get intrigued by something."

- Kim Namjoon


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"Okay, I'm going home. Yoongi's having a house party!"

"Woah, woah! Did you put that copy of Lord of the Rings away first?"

"Don't know what you're Tolkien about," Jin calls back, laughing his signature windscreen wiper chuckle as he packs his things and moves briskly towards the door.

"Right, never heard that one before," you mutter, rolling your eyes.

"See you later, gorgeous!" he sing-songs, stepping out into the summer evening as the bell above the door tinkles.

You glance around the shop, and sigh.

Working at Midori Books twice a week wasn't the most thrilling of jobs. But you had to make rent somehow, and besides... you sort of enjoyed it.

Your shift started at five, two nights a week - Tuesday and Thursday. By six, the shop was virtually empty, just the odd straggler or some customers reading quietly. It gave you a chance to catch up on work, listen to some music, or even read a little.

It was a calming change compared to the raucous life you lived for the other five days of the week - you and your best friend, Soona, were really taking 'you only live once' to the next level in your final year. Last week, you'd had to run for your lives from the campus police after Soona climbed on top of their car to perform a tuneless rendition of Crazy in Love at four in the morning.

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