The Awakening

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I understand that this chapter is absolutely horrible, but if you would please at least try to read past it and give me a chance, it would be great, Thank you!

The purple moon fades away as daytime emerges. The sun shining directly onto an oak forrest in which a small bedrock circle where seemingly sleeping people lay. Said sleeping people begin to arise one by one, shielding their eyes from the painfully bright sun. "w-what the... where am i?" A confused voice questions as the last thing they remember was peacefully sleeping in their bed.

Shortly after the others begin asking the same question, and its not long before they begin to realise who they are with, only because they can recognise them from the sheer amount of time they have played minecraft together. "Is that you, Grian?" a british voice asks from the shadows of an oak tree, "M Mumbo?" the blonde haired man says, shocked at the fact his friend looks like his minecraft skin, and then realising he's no different, a simple blockish man just like his minecraft skin.

He quickly runs over to where the voice comes from in the shadows looking up at the moustached man, "Where are we, w-what the hell is this?" he questions the taller of the two.

"im just as confused as you, grian! i have no idea where we are or why we aren't... well, aren't ourselves."

They both look into the non shaded area to see a lot of their friends in the same predicament, finding eachover and questioning what is going on. They all look up as the sun fades, and the purple moon rises again. one by one, they uncover their eyes and see eachover more clearly, and all return to the bedrock platform, which gives a perfect view of the unnatural moon that seems to be rising and falling in minecraft time

The moon fixes itself above them and begins pulsing out purple light. Grians eyes turn purple, and he makes his way to the centre of the circle, looking back at all his friends seemingly possessed.

"Welcome everybody to The Final Life. Where your primary goal is to escape. I imagine you must all be confused, so let me explain quickly. after i leave your friends body, you will all be assigned a certain number of lives, ranging from 2-6, If and when some of you lose all these lives, you die permanently, no return. Whoever is the last standing will be returned to their normal life, Every day one (or more) of you will also be assigned to Kill someone by the end of the day or they are set to 1 life, Trust me you will know if its you. Your eyes will become the colour of how many lives you have, red is 1, orange is 2, yellow is 3, light green is 4, and dark green is 5+. You can also give each other lives if you feel it necessary just by saying,'I wish to give my life to.....' and it will transfer. Goodbye now, have fun." Grian says as his eyes fade to a light green and he collapses to the floor.

Everybody is too shocked to even move for a few seconds, glancing at each other in fear and confusion, Grian gets up dazed "m-my head... what happened." Scar quickly helps him up, looking into his eyes. "How many did he say was light green again?" he says, "it was 4, right?" ImpulseSv responds, looking into peoples eyes.

"I o-only have two!!" Scott shouts as Bdubs informs him of his eye colour.

Etho quietly walks back into the forrest seemingly to get a jump start on tools, Tango spots him leaving and quickly tells Impulse. They both go into the woods aswell to see what hes up to slightly concerned.

Bigb, Cleo, Scott, and Pearl slowly gravitate towards eachover to discuss what to do and, more importantly, who to trust.

skizz walks off into the other side of the woods alone and un-noticed while Grian, Bdubs, Scar, and Mumbo discover mining trees doesn't actually hurt them using their fists.

Joel and Jimmy work together to start Gathering stone for eachover, Ren and martyn. Walk over to them and ask to join them for the time being.

"Welllll... s sure i suppose were better in numbers, " Joel says, allowing Ren and Martyn to join the small group.

(list of lives for yous)

Current group list -

end of chapter 1
772 words

sorry if it was a bad chapter. I'll try to improve for all of you!

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