Once Again

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'ImpulseSv was slain by McSkizzleMan'
pops up as a message in front of the four
men wondering the Birch forest  together.

"Impulse is dead!" Bdubs shouts in shock as Scar, Grian, and Mumbo stand shocked, "He's the first to go, right?" Grian questions, and a slight head nod from Mumbo tells him his answer.

"And Skizz was the one to kill him," Bdubs says, slightly angry and upset. "But bdubs he could've been the one that had to kill someone, i mean there's only an hour left of the day." Scar says, calming Bdubs down.

"Yeah, i suppose so," Bdubs mumbles, walking ahead of the rest. "Are we nearly home yet?" Grian asks Mumbo as the brit tries to lead them back to their home. "Yeah sure were nearly there, mhm," he says, rubbing his head.

"Mumbo.... are we lost?" Scar says slightly concerned. "ok, we may be lost, but where did Bdubs go?" Mumbo asks, pointing at where Bdubs was, which he has no disappeared from without telling anyone. "I have no idea.... BDUBSSS!" Grian bellows in an attempt to contact his friend, but there was no response.

"Maybe he just went back home? we can find our way back, and hopefully, we will see him there." Mumbo suggests trying to make the other two worry less.

"Sure, i guess." Scar says, dragging Grian with him to try to return home. "I think i know where we are," Grian claims and takes the lead, swiftly returning them to the walled compound in which they live.

"Bdubs!! Are you here?" Scar shouts to which there was no response once again, "I wonder where he is?" he says quite upset. "There's not much we can do tonight. it's quite dangerous, so we should just sleep." Mumbo, seemingly the most responsible of the 3 claims and sets up the beds they crafted from the sheep they... borrowed the wool from.

"Fine, but in the morning, we look for him." Grian commands before climbing into the surprisingly comfortable bed. A message appears before them. 'McSkizzleMan has been cured'
"Thank god he didn't just kill Impulse for the fun of it," Scar says, closing his eyes, Mumbo sighs and falls asleep unusually fast.

They wake up in the morning to a very bright sun, also knowing that another one of their friends will turn into an insane murderer scares them a little, but more importantly, they need to find Bdubs.

"Come onnn we need to find him, guys!" Grian says, dragging the other two along. "He's probably with another group. It's fine." Scar suggests slightly tired and annoyed,

"He wouldn't just leave us like that right Mumbo," Grian says, determined, "Yeah, Grian's right, i dont think Bdubs would leave unannounced. it's not something he would do Scar."

"Well, someone who's upset would do anything to just... be alone, i guess?" Scar argues with Grian before hearing a familiar voice from the desert ahead.

"Who is that i can hear?" Scar questions, "Sounds like Impulse, does it not?" Grian claims before the individual comes into their line of sight. "Hey guys!" Impulse cheerily shouts to them.

"Hey, Impulse!!!" Scar cheers and hugs him, "Are you okay, Impulse? We saw what happened to you." Mumbo asks, concerned. "Yeah, yeah, im fine. It had to happen, Skizz is my friend, and im happy he's not on his final life, although it hurt a little...." Impulse replies with a smile. "That's good, aslong as you're all okay," Grian says, walking into the desert.

"I think if Bdubs was here, we'd see him by now, I mean, it's an empty land. it's impossible to not see someone here," Scar says, eager to go home. "Hey scar, look at this ravine!" Grian says, beckoning Scar over to where he is.
"Be careful." Impulse warns them as they both stand on the very edge of the ravine. Unsurprisingly, Scar falls in only to have his hand grabbed by Grian trying to pull him up. "D-don't worry scar ive got you!" Grian worryingly says.

Impulse helps to try pull Scar up as Mumbo watches unsure of what to do and shocked, completely unaware of his surrounding Mumbo doesn't hear the creeper sneaking up behind him, taking a mere couple seconds before exploding and killing Mumbo, sending him flying straight into Grians back causing him to drop Scar into the abyss.
"SCAR!" Grian shouts as he drops Scar and nearly falls himself. Instead, Impulse grabs him and keeps him up.

"Grian, are you okay?" Impulse Questions towards the frozen blonde.
He has to shake him a few times before he returns to reality. "It w-was my fault.... I did this." he says, coldly tearing up.

"Hey Grian, dont be stupid.. This isn't your fault. it's fine. cmon, we gotta go, " Impulse explains before the sky flashes purple twice and the following messages appear.'MumboJumbo was blown up by a creeper.'
'GoodTimesWithScar fell from a high place'

"Grian, we've got to get back to Mumbo and Scar. Come on," Impulse says, pushing Grian towards their home, returning after a few minutes with the two fallen soldiers' items..

They walked into the compound with Grian still upset and barely functional. It was not until he saw Mumbo and Scar still alive that he broke down into tears apologising.

"Hey Grian, it's okay. We're still here, dont worry." Mumbo says, comforting his friend. "Yeah, dont worry, we're fine." Scar hugs him and brings him onto his bed.

"Heres your items back, but I've got to go now. Hopefully, you find Bdubs, and everything works out well. bye now!" Impulse says as he receives 2 goodbyes in unison from Scar and Mumbo, along with a muffled goodbye from Grian.

End of chapter 3- 955 words
Hopefully, you enjoyed this one, another group of 3 people i really like together, and i just had to bring impulse into it, as he's possibly my favourite :>

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