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Grian walks up to Scar, who is currently enchanting his sword to try to make himself stronger than Etho, which is hard to do.

"Scar, i did it." Grian says, breathing heavily and sweating from running back to the forrest fort.

"Good, it's time to end this stupid game." Scar says, holding his sword, which has a flame on it. seemingly, he got lucky to get a fire aspect on it.

"Agreed, let's finish this." Grian says, nodding his head as they look back at the forrest fort, for probably the final time and depart to finish this.

"So what's the plan?" Grian asks Scar as they walk through the empty world.

"First Ren helps us kill Etho, then Ren will die hy himself, and we win, perfect, isn't it." Scar says, looking up at the sky, feeling himself being watched.

"So, who takes it?" Martyn asks Scott and Pearl, who are looking down on their friends who remain in the world alive.

"I'd say Etho, he's crazy enough he will kill everyone." Scott says, looking at the others for some sort of approval.

"Scar is just as bad and has a teammate." Pearl says, looking at Scott debating against his death.

"Could be Ren. He has no enemies at the moment." Martyn says, suggesting hid old teammate to be a possible winner.

"Aslong as he doesn't do one thing, he can survive, but he probably will, considering he has no idea what grian did, right?" Scott says concerned for Ren, knowing his new ally had already betrayed him.

"Let's just watch and find out." Pearl says, cutting conversation short, just wanting to watch the chaos ensue.


Scar and Grian walk up to the gates of the village, the only non destroyed part of the base.

"Ren! it's time." Scar shouts, signalling to him it's time to go kill Etho

"Already, im not even completely ready yet." Ren says, seeming unbothered by the fact that this may be one of his final hours on this world.

"Yes, it's time we have to go now." Scar says, trying to hurry him up so they can go kill his rival throughout this whole thing.

"He won't go down easily, i wouldn't be surprised if he takes one of us with his either." Ren says, smirking to himself, knowing the outcome of what's about to happen.

"Well, he's strong, but it's a three vs one there's no way we can lose this fight, right?" Grian asks, looking at the two of them who seem unsure.

"Grian, it's Etho, you never know with Etho." Scar says, trying not to get his hopes too high as he knows something is bound to go wrong during this thing.

"Aslong as all three of us work together, it will be easy." Ren says as if he's actually planning to work with Scar and Grian during this fight.

"That's true. we will have his head easily together." Grian says, confidently holding his sword up.


Etho takes deep breaths looking down off the tower he build in his base with his mask down and clock in hand, trying to give himself the confidence he needs to win the fight that is coming to him.

As he looks down, he spots three figures in the distance, walking towards the base quickly, and they certainly don't look very peaceful.

As they approach Scar in the front, Grian hands Ren a fire resistance potion and says nothing, only nodding his head at Ren, who seems to understand before splitting off from the other two

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