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"So Etho, What comes now?" Impulse asks the appointed leader of their group.

"I have no idea Impulse, This world is crazy, and so is Scar, he won't rest until we are all dead, permanently." Etho says hoping for somebody else to pitch in.

"The rest of them won't fight with him right? They aren't insane enough to start killing their own friends over nothing." Ren says placing his hands on the table they are all standing or sitting at.

"Ive seen Grian after causing the death of one of his friends, it wasn't a nice sight, there's no way hed willingly do that again." Impulse says defending Grian.

"Cleo isn't insane enough either, Shes one of the nicest people i know and she would never kill us for Scar." Scott says unsure.

"Unfortunately Joel could possibly be Insane enough to fight for him, i don't think i have a good enough defence for him." Martyn says upset

"Are you sure?" Jimmy says hoping for his friend to have some support, Martyn just nods his head.

"What about Bigb, Pearl and Mumbo?" Tango asks the rest of them.

"Bigb is one of the nicest people I know but hes convinced easily, and recently hes been very willing to kill, i mean he killed everyone from The Cove, and Pearl was already willing to kill people when this began, i think they would side with him." Scott says unable to defend them.

"None of us have been with Mumbo enough, so we really don't know about where hed stand." Skizz shrugs his shoulders.

"Its best to go back to our former bases, at most its a five person team were against, not much of a threat." Etho tells the others.

"Just return to your bases to gather important items and stay if you'd like, but you can come here if you really want to, it'd be safer here." Bdubs says to the four non T.I.E.S members.

"Just like what Bdubs said, return to your bases." Etho says nodding his head as the others say their goodbyes and head back to their homes.

"Im sorry i caused this Etho." Bdubs apologises to Etho,

"Hey Bdubs this isn't your fault, you will always be my friend and i will support you until the end okay? theres no need to worry." Etho says hugging him

"O-Okay.." Bdubs says hugging back tightly

"So what do we do?" Tango asks Impulse and Skizz.

"Im going to wait for Scott to get back and go with him to the village, hopefully i can get myself a life from there." Skizz announces his plans.

"Im going to head to the forrest to try find Grian and hopefully Mumbo, i need to know where they stand." Impulse says.

"Don't you think thats a bit dangerous Impulse?" Bdubs asks concerned.

"It is but they know me best, if they are going to trust anyone its me." Impulse says reassuring his friends he will be fine.

"Impulse after all your deaths i don't think i can let you go." Etho says trying to keep him safe

"Etho i have to, i can't be here!" He shouts getting visibly upset.

"Hey Impulse whats wrong buddy, hes just trying to keep you safe." Skizz says patting his back.

"And im trying to keep yous safe!" He shouts again.

"Oh.." The rest of them say in unison, realising what's going on at the moment.

"We've a experienced the same, but who will have to lose the life?" Tango says concerned

"Me." Impulse says unwilling to kill someone, "I'm already on two lives il go down to one to save my friends."

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