The Calm Before

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"GRIANNN!!!" Scar shouts calling him into his room, "What do you want Scar." Grian says boldly.

"Grian, Whats wrong usually you're bouncing of the walls?" Scar asks trying to comfort his friend.

"I don't know Scar, Have you considered that maybe, just maybe that we are the bad guys in this fight?" Grian  shouts nearly bringing himself to tears.

"Grian don't cry, they chose this fight not us, we offered a peaceful resolve and they didn't take it." Scar says patting Grian's back.

"Scar, i had to watch you die TWICE, and ive watched as you have caused so many of my friends to die, Some close to permanent death, does that not scare you, PERMANENT death Scar!" He shouts pushing his friend

"Are you trying to tell me you don't want to be in this fight Grian, because it's okay to tell me" Scar says smiling

"It's not that i don't want to be in this fight, Its that i dont want there to be a fight, at, all, why can't we just live in peace!"  He shouts breaking down, the other five allies walking into the room after hearing shouting, all death staring scar.

"Scar what did you do?" Mumbo asks getting very defensive. "Me? I did nothing, its those T.I.E.S fools that did everything, they started this war, its all their fault!" Scar shouts to the six of them.

"This fight is ridiculous lets be real for a second." Cleo says trying to make everyone regain some reason.

"Of course it is were just killing our friends for nothing pretty much." Bigb says agreeing with Cleo.

"So what? you are all just leaving me, after i died for you?" Scar says pointing at all of them individually

"You died for us but we also died for you remember, debts paid." Pearl says provoking Scar as Mumbo takes Grian outside.

"What about you Joel, what are your opinions on this situation?" Scar stares at him.

"Me?, well uh i agree with them and i agree with you, this fight is ridiculous but we also didn't really start it." Joel says agreeing with both sides of the argument.

"We are returning to the cove, Not to leave you but to get our resources, next time Scar try finish this peacefully." Cleo says taking Pearl and Bigb with her leaving.

"Just me and you in here Joel." Scar says walking up to Joel, "Correct." Joel says un intimidated.

"I could kill you right now and theres nothing you could do about it." Scar says smirking

Joel leans closer and whispers into his ear "If you were to kill me now, id kill you until you were fully dead, and nobody would stop me because everybody hates you, the only reason they follow you is because they are scared Scar, dont lose your only ally." Joel says pushing Scar back and leaving.

"Where are you going?" Scar asks, "To the village." Joel says slamming the door

"Hey Grian, Are you sure you wanna stay here? we could leave you know." mumbo asks hugging him.

"We have to stay, if we stay we can defeat him from the inside." Grian tells Mumbo looking at the entrance to Scars room.

Scar slams his Bed in anger, his eyes going red and a slight ticking sound beginning. "Its my turn." He says with a creepy grin.

"Nearly there!" Pearl says happily as the three of them approach the cove.

"Looks like its already been looted." Cleo says speeding up to look inside, only to see Scott, who pulls out his sword in an instant ready to run

"Cleo back off, don't make me attack you." He says scared

"Scott theres three of us, and we're not here to hurt you, we just pretty much left Scar and his crazy war." Pearl says walking in

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